My Nose Saves the Day

Late yesterday afternoon, I decided to make a dash for the grocery store in light of the weather forecast. They were predicting a potentially nasty ice storm and then rain for the rest of week. Knowing we couldn’t make it the week without groceries, I went.

When I came home, I was unpacking groceries and thinking about dinner. Since I was late and my husband was due home in short order, I decided to broil some ribs I had left over for dinner.

I turned on our rickety and cheap range which we acquired with the house in its lovely cream and black splendor. I put the ribs under the burner and then made a mental note to myself to NOT forget they are cooking!! I then walked back over to the groceries and continued unpacking.

Some ten minutes must have gone by and I had, in fact, forgot about the ribs broiling at a supposed 500 degrees.

Next thing I know, I am coming in from the outdoors after letting out my sweet dog – and the smell hit me. It was strong and very recognizable.

It was natural gas.

I quickly realized the stove must not be working and that gas must have been spewing out of the stove for a good ten to twelve minutes. My kitchen was full of gas. I got that pit-of-a-feeling, yet unlike my normal self, I remained calm and opened all the windows and doors letting in that lovely fresh 20 degree air– and then I took the dogs out and we stood on the patio a few minutes while the house aired out.

I started to doubt that something was wrong and that perhaps I had just over-reacted. About ten minutes later, my husband arrived home and ate cold ribs. Just before his first bite, I told him of my ordeal.

After dinner, he tested the oven himself — and sure enough after about three minutes, it started spewing gas again. The smell made us certain.

Our oven has a serious defect and considering the top range igniter just broke down less than six months ago (and we replaced it) — we are chucking this thing! It’s a piece of crap!!

I was hoping to buy a new range when I redid the kitchen because the new ones I am looking at won’t fit in this kitchen. Plus, now I have to investigate all my options and I don’t want to spend the time. I busy planning for our current remodel!!

Ugh. I needed this like a hole in the head. At least, I didn’t die from the gas or burn up in some explosion! Lordy. I should be thankful but instead I’m rather annoyed!!