Lloyd Landis

I have been asked to give my opinion on Lloyd Landis (below). Do I think Lloyd Landis is being honest — that he did not in fact dope up?

I do not believe Lloyd Landis.

While he gives a cold stare in to the microphones and video interviews, trying to talk in a control manner and lacking much expression — his answers to questions are poor at best, and his weak-toned voice supports a lack of confidence. That coupled with the logic of two failed tests makes me about 85% confident that Mr. Landis is not being honest.

I personally think Mr. Landis is in denial. He cannot accept being stripped of his title. He can’t deal with it because he himself thinks he is an exceptional athlete regardless. He is trying to convince us all, as well as himself with excuse after excuse as to why it is possible these two tests failed us.

I’m not buying it.