Jodi Arias To Represent Self at Death Penalty Trial

I do not find it surprising that Jodi Arias has decided to represent herself at her death penalty trial. Jodi Arias probably has learned that the only way she can influence and mitigate her risk of death is to get the jury to connect with her on some level–to have pity for her, and the only way that will happen is if they get to know Jodi. Hence, Jodi has to represent herself. Of course, being a narcissist and a psychopath, she’ll also love the attention so it is a win-win for Jodi. With that, her move to represent herself actually makes sense.

Could you look at a person before you and give the vote to kill them? It’s not an easy choice to make and Jodi knows that–especially since she doesn’t look intimidating, threatening and harmful. People have a natural tendency to be more lenient on people who look harmless, sadly. Human nature makes us not want to believe innocent looking people are capable of causing us serious harm because it means we have to admit we are somewhat vulnerable and defenseless with a person like Jodi, and that makes us uncomfortable on a subconscious level. This will all work in Jodi’s favor.

I never saw the close-up video footage above showing Jodi Arias’ face when she was convicted of murdering Travis Alexander. It’s fascinating to watch. Watch Jodi get the wind knocked out of her, literally. She is a master at minimizing her emotions, too–unbelievable so–considering her conviction. If you notice as hard as Jodi works to keep her emotions inside, she cannot stop her chin from quivering!

7 replies
  1. Checkmate
    Checkmate says:

    The death penalty should be abolished in the US, just as it has been for years in Europe and most civilized countries. It certainly has nothing to do with Justice. IMO.

  2. kmadelyn
    kmadelyn says:

    The videos of Arias’ police interrogations were so fascinating, that I ended up viewing the entire collection on YT. It is just flabbergasting to see her pile one lie atop another–shut down & deny undeniable evidence of her lying–then, getting a second wind, reel out a brand-new story.
    Have known only one bona fide pathological liar personally–&, oh, I was so dismissive when my mother or friend would flatly state that the guy was dangerous! It’s hard not to wonder if Travis had a similar case of youthful arrogance. But who, in a Mormon Single Youth Ward, would be able to recognize *that* sort of Dangerous?
    As long as Arias spends the rest of her life locked up, at least until she’s never again able to enter a community as a wolf among lambs, I’m cool with that. If the US is so fond of execution (w/the known mistakes, botched killings, & all), we should simply revert to public hangings. The way we do it now allows for too little oversight, & denies our children the morally improving public spectacles of ye olden dayes.

  3. Nell
    Nell says:

    I am so glad she was convicted. She has guilty And sociopath written all over her. I don’t believe her domestic abuse story one bit.

    I hope whatever sentence she gets, she is very uncomfortable with very little amenities and very little contact with others for the rest of her life. She will continue to be manipulative behind bars towards others around her including guards, etc.

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