Amber Peat’s Parents Plead for Her

In the video above, the parents of 13-year old Amber Peat plead for her return.   They came back from a family holiday on Friday, and Saturday afternoon  Amber had a disagreement over chores and left the house.  She was sadly found hanged three days later approximately a mile from the family home, according to news reports.

A reader has asked me to look at the parents to see if I see anything of concern.

When I watch the parents, I see anguish and pain, which can support both sides of the equation here. It could support involvement or non-involvement.  Outside of that, I only see one area I would like to probe to understand the situation better. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a red flag, but something I’d like to get clarification on.

If anyone sees any other interviews with the parents, please let me know.

My heart goes out to Amber’s family.

18 replies
  1. Lori W
    Lori W says:

    The mother is alarmingly calm in the interview, while the step-father does all the talking(but in present tense) and is the only one crying.

  2. Marie-Josee Leblanc
    Marie-Josee Leblanc says:

    i do not find the still picture concerning. I clearly see pain in her look and distress in her mouth. But she also looks like she’s thinking about a pleaseant memory. maybe i’d be more concerned if i would have watched the video though.

  3. Karon
    Karon says:

    I don’t feel real good about the father. The mother starts to talk, and he starts moving his elbow around, which nudges her. She, then, gets quiet, and he does most of the talking. I don’t get the feeling that being that quiet is natural for her. She looks like she knows something that she is not able to tell. Her lips are pressed together, as if to keep herself from talking. I see a sneaky-looking peek from the father. He is looking down, then he looks up, quickly. I wonder if he is trying to see how people are re-acting to what he is saying?

      • Karon
        Karon says:

        Yes, it could be a nervous movement, since he did it throughout the interview. It just concerns me that she got quiet when his elbow nudged her, accidentally or on purpose. She then presses her lips together and is mostly quiet during the rest of the interview.

        One thing we can be fairly sure of, a woman is not likely to kill a child by hanging them. That would point toward a man, as a general rule.

  4. Estrella
    Estrella says:

    Definitely creepy when the mother looked directly into the camera and flashed a micro smile.

      • Estrella
        Estrella says:

        Hey Eyes, I thought I saw one at the 00:17-00:18 mark, but now with repeated views I see that she’s looking past the camera to the reporter asking a question and pursing her lips or something.

      • Fidget
        Fidget says:

        I didn’t see her smile in the video myself, but I saw it as a still picture the same day as the interview. It very well may have been taken “out of context” but I find it hard to believe that any mother could smile when her daughter was missing, even with the best of thoughts. TO me though, she looks a bit mean spirited over all.

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