Chase’s Expression

chase surprise

Yesterday I asked viewers who caught Chase’s microexpression on the Bachelorette Monday night. And only one viewer identified it after many people responded.

The expression is above, and the information revealed (that Chase is surprised) allows us to match Chase’s words to his facial expression and know if he is truthful.

Was Chase truthful to Jojo in this interaction?

Great Expression

In this preview of next week’s Bachelorette, one person in this video makes a revealing facial expression, and its not Emily.  What is it and who makes it?

Shannon Price smiles about what it was like….

I just watched an interview with Shannon Price for Entertainment Tonight. I saw the link through

My heart stopped when I watched the first minute.

Read moreWhen the reporter asked Price what it was like for her to take him off of life support, Shannon gives a quick positive expression. She grins…do you see it? It’s astounding!!!! And very hard to watch. I don’t know if it would be classified as a micro expression or not, but it very telling about what she felt when she pulled Gary off of life support. If some people don’t see it, it is likely a microexpression.

Shannon also says that she has a copy of the will and that Gary wanted her to have everything! Is this a motive?

When the reporter asks her, “Did Gary die broke?” Watch Shannon smile as she says, “No”. That brings me back to her statement in the earlier interview I reviewed today where she said, “You know….We’ve been struggling… a lot… with financial stuff, but now that he is gone, its a little more difficult.” That becomes all the more chilling…

Shannon ends the interview with “Gary is my best interest right now, so I am going to do what he wants.” That’s absolutely chilling.