Stern Video Review

There is a new interview with Larry Birkhead out today on MSNBC where Birkhead talks about Dannielynn. Click here to see it.

I think the video is worth watching because Larry Birkhead shows deep and true emotions. He is being honest in this entire video and he deeply, honestly and truly believes Dannielynn is his baby. You can trust everything Birkhead says in this video as it truly represents what Birkhead believes to be true. If you want me to pinpoint why, ask me and I’ll point it out.

Back on October 4, 2006, I believed Birkhead when most people thought he was just out for money and Howard Stern was the father. Now, thankfully, people are seeing through Howard Stern.

While I cannot be 100% because affairs to happen, I still stand behind what I said on October 4th that it is a 90% that Birkhead is the father and 10% that Stern (or another suitor) is the father.

Here is the video of Howard Stern when he says he is the father of Dannielynn on the Larry King Live show. I’ll explain why I don’t believe Stern:

King: Why has Anna Nicole been so secretive about who the real father of her new daughter is?

Stern: Well, um, (sigh/awkward swallow/frustrated face).… I’m going to tell you that right now. Uh, Anna and I have um…been in a relationship and we love each other and its been going on for a very long time and ah…because of my uh…relationship as her lawyer..uh…we felt that it was best to… keep everything uh…hidden. And we’ve actually done a pretty good job of that (awkward swallow).

King: You sure have. So, you are the father?

Stern: Yes, sir. (Awkward swallow again! Notice the lack of conviction in his response and in his head shake?)

King: Have there been any DNA tests taken…?

Stern: Proud father. (Awkward swallow again!)

King: Were DNA tests taken?

Stern: Well based on…based on the timing of a when the baby was born, ah, there really is no doubt in either of our minds (Awkward swallow again. Notice Stern avoids answering the question directly).

King: Did Daniel know you were the father?

Stern: He did. He did.

Here are the red flags:

  1. Before Stern even starts talking to King, notice how he swallows awkwardly. Sometimes when people lie, they salivate more than usual and I don’t know why. Not all people do this – just some. When they salivate more — they are forced to swallow more — and in this interview, we clearly see Stern swallowing awkwardly — repeatedly. He does it over and over again — which is unusual. Once, we can over look it. Twice, we can let it go. Repeatedly, it becomes questionable. Why is he salivating so much? This become a red flag.
  2. Furthermore, before Stern answers the first question and after he says “well, um” notice the frustrated face he makes. He is frustrated because I believe he doesn’t have an answer in his head – and he has to come up with one. If you are answering honestly, why would you be frustrated?? Another red flag.
  3. Stern’s tone of voice is without emotion of any kind. Why? It’s monotone, abnormally so. He talks drone-like. Is he trying to conceal his true emotions? Wouldn’t he be happy if he truly were the father? Wouldn’t we see proud moments in his eyes like we see in Birkhead’s interview?
  4. Stern gives clues that he is thinking up his answers as he goes. He wasn’t prepared for the questions.
    • He pauses frequently and at odd times.
    • He struggles for words and hence uses lots of “um and ah’s”.
    • He doesn’t answer the question(s) right off the bat or directly when the answer requires more than a yes or a no– which he likely would if he were honest.
      • When King asks Stern why Anna has been so secretive about who the father is — if he were honest, I believe he would have said something much more simple like “Because I was her attorney. We felt it was a conflict of interest.” Instead, Stern rambles on and on — as I suspect he was trying to come up with a reply instead of answering truthfully.

Please don’t assume because you see these mannerisms in someone– that they are lying. There is much more to this than meets the eye! I take into consideration many, many more things then I write about. These are only the surface clues.