In the Dead of Night: My Opinion

I wish I wasn’t so busy, so I could go into a lot more detail.  Forgive me.

When I watched Dateline NBC, Belinda Radder sent my alarm bells blaring.  She couldn’t have been more nonreactive to finding out her husband was dead–specifically by suicide.   When the investigator asked her what happened, she simply shrugged her lips and shoulders and said, “I don’t know.”  Is that what you would say if your husband committed suicide at home with you there?

I doubt it.

Furthermore, Belinda was unable to tell police what happened between 10:30 p.m. when she put the children to bed and 5:00 a.m. when her step-father called 911.  The police asked if she was drunk (or drinking) and she said “Probably”.  She should absolutely know if she was drunk or not, and then she quickly corrected herself and said she was.  That seems like an after thought.

I was floored she said she didn’t asked what happened when she heard gunshots. No one does that.  And then she didn’t tell her husband’s family for days?  Seriously? Not logical or normal on any level.

I saw Belinda display a lot of “thinking behaviors”–rather than talk by natural memory recall.  She says she was “dazed and confused” but shows no stress or sadness on her face.

At one point, when the investigator asked her what happened, she said something to the effect that she got up to go to the bathroom…and when she came back, there he was.   If she went to the bathroom, then she would have she went to the bathroom in past tense. She didn’t.  It is at this time that she speaks where something went wrong.

Belinda complained to her step-father that she wanted to marry a man who made a living because clearly her husband wasn’t meeting her standards.  It’s rather odd on the night he died, the big financial windfall he was hoping for disintegrated in his hands.  You have to wonder if Belinda reached her limit.

To me, Belinda was hotter than a wood plate on fire.  I don’t trust a word she said. I believe she knows what happened to her husband and I cannot rule out her involvement.

As for her step-dad, Rob Fischer, I do believe he was drunk–very drunk. But he said something that was very contradictory. At first he said when he found the body, he didn’t know who it was. But another time, he clearly said how devastating it was to see the body of a loved one on the ground dead.  The two don’t co-exist together as a natural memory, which tells me that Rob was aware of what happened that night along with Belinda.

I don’t believe Lee Radder committed suicide.  Not way, no how.

The one who comes across the coldest to me, however, is Belinda.  I wouldn’t doubt she got the men both drunk, disoriented and masterfully manipulated this whole scenario, and knew her father-in-law loved her enough to protect her–with whatever he comprehended.  It would make sense given all the pieces of the puzzle that we have at this point.

I could literally write a book of all the clues Belinda dropped.  Rob didn’t drop near as many, and did seem authentic at times, though he was also caught in a whopper.

I feel for Lee Radder and his family.  This absolutely was not a suicide and there were two adults in the house who know exactly what happened, if you ask me.