Taniasha Perkins: Baby Delano Wilson’s Mom

Taniasha Perkins pleas for her baby’s return.

What do you see when you watch Taniasha speak? Do you believe her?

30 replies
  1. kstraub
    kstraub says:

    No tears. She’s whining. She slips and says “I’m too young for this” and “I didn’t want to do this” and the fathers 911 call sounds scripted.

  2. WTTL
    WTTL says:

    She seems like she’s going down a memorized laundry list of the appropriate things to say. She has some of the same ‘head down’ not looking into the camera (like someone who would be pleading with the nation to do something) as Susan Smith did.

    If someone is pouring out grief, I feel compassion. I was feeling irritated halfway through listening to her, so I’m assuming it means that something un-genuine is coming across.

  3. Russ Conte
    Russ Conte says:

    I’m skeptical – she’s not shocked / sad / outraged / stunned / pleading / active enough for me to believe her. Her range of emotions seem to be about what I can imitate almost any time of the day or night. However, when something serious actually does happen to people in my real life (or to me), those emotions I feel that those points are always vastly outside the range of my normal or usual emotions. Always. No exceptions. But I don’t see that happening here.

    I don’t have any children, so I can’t begin to imagine what it would be like for a child to be missing, but this does not seem to be it by any stretch of my imagination.

    To be fair, I’m not accusing her of doing anything illegal – this video seems to be a series of hot spots – and indicates that she knows more (probably a lot more) than she is letting on in this video. The video seems to be a possible diversion or something like that, but that’s a guess on my part, not factual.

  4. BrentF
    BrentF says:

    Her words do not match with her emotions.
    Also I am so skeptical at 1:10 of the lady on right whispering in the mothers ear

    • Jules
      Jules says:

      I agree ,I think shes covering up for the father who in fact has a history of child abuse for shaking a baby so hard that the child suffers permanent brain damage…I think they got tired of being parents

      • carol
        carol says:

        Good point. Interesting to me that the mother of the other child, (Wilson’s daughter who you mentioned above) – the other mom is serving time for the injuries to their baby girl. The father is the common denominator. Not saying that alone is significant, but given that his story sounds completely bogus (imo) makes the other things add up. Also, where did he receive medical treatment after being “pistol whipped?” … in the face and head.

        • Jules
          Jules says:

          I agree 100% …Plus the father’s story doesnt make ANY sense …Someone knocked him out and took his baby but left behind the marijuana that the cops arrested him for having AND who in the world walks down an alley with an infant? No coincidence to me

  5. Tyr
    Tyr says:

    0.46, that lip bite, and she’s literally pushing the tears out. and, well, i think if you’re really sad you wouldn’t need to look around like that. either way i don’t feel any sadness from her. well, yeah, dry as sahara, dat cry

  6. Carradee
    Carradee says:

    Her level of emotional upset or control is inconsistent—her shoulders, expression, lack of tears, words, and tone of voice don’t match. Her shoulders in particular are bothering me. If she’s so upset, why aren’t they rolled forward and inward?

    Her words and inflection are odd, too, striking me as narcissistic. That’s compatible with the whisper at 1:10, which looks like “It’s okay, baby,” but that whisperer’s expression suggests that Taniasha “needs” to hear that kind of thing a lot.

    • Britt Cone
      Britt Cone says:

      I’m sorry- where and when did you spot a single tear?? My eyes were wide open, and I watched the whole clip three times, right next to the monitor. There is not one tear on her face, her eyes arent red and you don’t even see her eyes water, let alone cry.

  7. Karon
    Karon says:

    The first thing, I hear that hits me so wrong is “My family loves this baby.” This seems unnatural,for her, not to say that she and her family loves this baby. Where is any love mentioned on her part? She gets way into the interview before she says something that indicates any feelings for her baby. Mostly she feigns emotions, and the emotions that she does show is about herself. She is scared about what might come out about her missing baby in my opinion.

  8. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    Just a coincidence that that father of this child has a history of child abuse? The child he fathered with another woman (who went to jail for this abuse) after shaking the infant so hard, that the child now has permanent brain damage. And what was he doing in the alley? Oh…yeah he was also arrested that day when they found pot in him. Great parents!

  9. Melissa
    Melissa says:

    I call shenanigans on the dad’s story about getting knocked out. You don’t remember getting knocked unconscious. One minute you’re OK, the next you’re looking around going, “WTF just happened?” And mom…I’m not buying her story. By not using Delano’s name, she is distancing herself from him. And “My family loved him”-why the past tense? Long story short, I don’t think Delano is alive, and I do think that the parents know more than what they are saying.

  10. Troy Woodson
    Troy Woodson says:

    I smell bullsh*t. That had to be one of the worst acting performances of all time. That story has more holes than swiss cheese. Before the end of the week is out, look for either one or both parents to be arrested.

  11. delurking_girl
    delurking_girl says:

    I am undecided.

    Unless you have worked with young mothers I think it is hard to have a true grasp of how they respond to situations like this. I am involved in a volunteer capacity with girls like this and have often found myself shocked that a ‘mother’ can still be so self centered and immature in their responses. Please remember that young mothers are often still very childlike themselves and do not respond the way older parents might.

    Truly, they many of them don’t get it because they are still emotionally children themselves.

  12. Richard Nate Tull
    Richard Nate Tull says:

    Susan Smith all over again. One story has her pacing the corner before this happened. Why was the father walking in a alley with a baby. Story says father was walking with baby in blanket but no one saw or heard a baby. Father able to give full description of cloths that suspects were wearing, but he didn’t get a look at the tag number? She got the Susan Smith voice down to the t. They killed that baby, it’s gonna come out!

  13. Troy Woodson
    Troy Woodson says:

    Everything about her seems so rehearsed and scripted. No signs of real emotions or distress. Also the fact that she never mentions her son’s name also shows distance. The father’s call to 911 just completely shatters their credibility. He didnt sound to convincing. Just too relaxed and calm for someone who’s child was just abducted. The first thing he states to the operator is that he was robbed and then he conveniently forgets the gender of his baby. My theory is,mother started new job. Father watches newborn while mother is at work. Loses temper,kills the child and disposes of the body. Then creates an elaborate abduction story to cover his tracks.

  14. Dershai Hickman
    Dershai Hickman says:

    If you don’t want kids keep your damn legs closed I don’t believe them they’re a disgrace to society either they killed that infant or someone is holding him this is the dumbest story I’ve ever heard,sentence these bums to life

  15. Itsjust Penny
    Itsjust Penny says:

    If these people had anything to do with the baby’s disappearance, how in the heck are they able to keep the police from finding out anything?

  16. Itsjust Penny
    Itsjust Penny says:

    If these people had anything to do with the baby’s disappearance, how in the heck are they able to keep the police from finding out anything?

  17. India
    India says:

    I believe they know what happen to that baby! At first I’m thinking maybe they killed there baby but then I’m like maybe the cops would have been found some type of clues to that so now I’m thinking maybe they sold the baby!!! The father story don’t add up and I’m a mother is my son was missing I don’t even think I would be able to talk to the news reporter
    Then she says. Things like I didn’t want to do this!! I’m too young for this and my family loved him ! It just all seems weird and the strange part about it is who walking in a dark alley way with a new born baby!! No stroller no pampers no nothing!!! And then he really clam for a person that just got knocked out and bAby taken and where was the mother when he decide to take the new born baby out sIde

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