The Bachelor Disses Britt

If you’ve watched The Bachelor on ABC this season, there was a really interesting clip of Britt calling out Chris, the Bachelor, on Monday about some of his actions and the actions of others. While no one can miss he is tongue tied, I believe you could predict he would walk away rudely as he did at the end of this clip (which Kimmel cut off).

He leaked a boat load of negative emotions multiple times (contempt, disgust, anger –multiple ways) towards Britt that it was overwhelming, and yet his words didn’t reveal the same. His emotional state is borderline hostile, and he didn’t have the nerve to stand up to what he believed, so he tried to say anything else, and it was a complete failure.

We can now take his emotional response and identify behavioral traits about Chris. He hates to be challenged or questioned. He struggled to keep his calm and listen to people who challenge him. Instead he let his emotions overcome him and he had to walk away. Rudely. He also wasn’t able to express how he truly felt. Instead he bottled it up, which leaves a high propensity for emotional outbursts later on. If Britt didn’t pick up on his emotional responses, she will be in for a world of surprise later.

All of these traits bode horrible for a relationship. It’s not surprising that Chris is still single, if you ask me. He is deeply insecure under his facade and projecting himself as someone he is not. That will eventually backfire on him.

13 replies
    • What Lies Beneath
      What Lies Beneath says:

      That reply means that he didn’t have the guts to say how he really felt nor was able to control his emotions and say a “decent” lie. He probably wanted to prove her wrong, but lacked the arguments. Vanity often makes you say and do stupid things 🙂

  1. Keith D.
    Keith D. says:

    Woooooooooooooooww! There’s no way I shouldn’t have a TV show of my own after watching that clip. And I don’t even want one! LOL

    That actually almost makes me want to watch the show, but I’m not sure I could stomach seeing everything that I’m sure must happen on it with some regularity. It seems like it would be a lot of the same reasons I generally can’t stand going to bars. Would I be able to stomach it if I watched it?

  2. Aunt Betty
    Aunt Betty says:

    I agree that Chris doesn’t like to be challenged at all. He has a very weak ego and revealed some poor character. If he believed he hadn’t done anything wrong he wouldn’t have been so defensive and tongue-tied or shown such contempt and disgust. He’s going to eliminate Britt soon, I predict, because she got a peek under his facade, which I’m sure he hates.

  3. WTTL
    WTTL says:

    In addition to storming off under a final statement to Britt of “I’m glad we had this conversation”, the full clip also shows that later he has the host call a special session, and says to all the women, whoever thinks I’m not hear for the right reason can just leave now.
    They all look at each other after he leaves the room and talk about how weird his statement and attitude were.
    What I wonder is if girls/women who watch this show are helped in any way, in the sense that they can identify a greater lifespan of human characteristics, so that when they see them in their own boyfirends, they say to themselves, I’ve got to get out before he starts hitting me, cause I know it’s coming, cause he’s just like X that I see on various shows on tv.

  4. Brent
    Brent says:

    To me it meant he didn’t know how to deal with the questioning.
    His words didn’t align with his feelings and facial expressions.
    I’m just repeating what Eyes wrote above but I follow what Eyes is saying ,after a delay, and find myself writing the same words 🙂

    ah…he was so glad to have had this conversation that he walked off without another word. I see his behavior as weird but unfortunately at this time I can’t see it as rude. I see his walking off as a way of coping.

    Actually I’m learning a lot from this blog. I think that previously I accepted a lot of people’s behavior because I’d seen other people do something similar.
    It’s a strange thing how we learn to interpret behavior. I mean I think a lot of behavior isn’t interpreted, it’s just looked at and registered, or some ‘reason’ is given for the behavior based upon our expectations or rationale.

  5. Jordan S.
    Jordan S. says:

    I haven’t kept up with the show, but this clip is hysterical. Maybe it’s just me that finds this funny. Poor guy just couldn’t formulate any sentences because he was not expecting that one. I loved her responses the most. She says she didn’t mean to put him on the spot…she totally did…and she thought it was entertaining to watch him get all twisted up. If he’d been able to pull his hand away from hers…he’d probably have been able to fill in those sentences. lol. I love it. She was awesome…just nodding right along. lol. He was trying hard…just didn’t know how to lay it out straight and say what they did. He didn’t have to say a word. He confirmed everything up front. With the conformation head nod along with many other pieces that went with the nodding. Then he shows contempt right off the bat when he begins to try to formulate what he’s about to say to her (he also works to try to cover it up). The whole, “I’m not rewarding inappropriate behavior, you know” was the icing on the cake…the only sentence he could get out…and he look straight at her for conformation and validation to his lie. lol I call those…gold star moments (would you like your gold sticker now that you just said that and think it’s believable). He does the “I don’t know” expression a lot…his eyebrows were jumping up so many times…and the tight lip…”you’re not going to get a word out of me.” Well, that’s okay…you don’t have to say a word lol

  6. Sola
    Sola says:

    Just wanted to share this screencap of Chris Soules reaction to Britt saying “Right when I got out of the limo our connection was unbelievable…” Then right after she says the line “And it was just this electricity that was always there.” he makes this expression. And then a second later his left eye twitches. Poor Britt but also lucky Britt; she was saved a lot more heartache and heartbreak if they had moved forward in a more committed relationship.

      • Sola
        Sola says:

        I interpreted the expression as his reaction to what Britt said at that moment. He didn’t seem to like what he was hearing. I see him do this expression a lot during the course of the Women Tell All segment and figured he would be no good for Britt who tries so hard to make him see her point of view.

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