Zella Jackson-Price on 20/20

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Did you catch Zella Jackson-Price on 20/20 tell the story of how she believed her baby was stolen 49-years ago?

Did you believe her?

9 replies
  1. Paul Flanagan
    Paul Flanagan says:

    I don’t believe her. I don’t believe her story, mostly because it doesn’t make sense or sound true. And even though time has passed, I feel there is a lack of expected emotions. I’m thinking extreme surprise, joy, tears of joy, soon followed by anger, tears of anger, an intense drive to find out who LIED to her and kept her from her own daughter, etc. (which I do not see). These were my initial thoughts, and along with Diane being deaf, I feel she was abandoned, likely because of it.
    EDIT: Also when she said that she just accepted the nurse’s word for it because…(enter whatever nonsensical reason she gave) and didn’t have to take care of funeral arrangements.

    • Paul Flanagan
      Paul Flanagan says:

      Just discovered an article that questions her story. Her response to being accused of abandonment:

      “That’s the biggest lie ever told. I have five other children. They’re all spoiled like they were only children. Why would I give up on this one?”

      It sounds like someone is trying to do a lot of convincing instead of just saying, “I didn’t abandon my daughter.”

  2. Jennifer Kindschi
    Jennifer Kindschi says:

    I don’t know if i would have questioned this story if attention wasn’t called to it. But the one thing that stood out for me was the nurse asking the mother if she wanted to name the baby. That seems something that would be asked of a mother who has said that they were giving the child up. I think in that day and time, particularly to the strongly religious, there would have been a lot of shame involved. Strangely, I believe I remember when I was a kid seeing her sing on the Say Amen show mentioned on this segment….

  3. Christina
    Christina says:

    Interesting story… My questions are how would Dianne Gilmore know her own mother’s name if she was stolen at birth? Why would the people who had stolen her, ever tell her real mother’s name? Something is amiss. Zella says some odd things in her interview that seems to tell an unbelievable story about how she gave birth alone inside a hospital (unlikely), cried “nurse, nurse” no one came (probably unlikely), no death certificate (unlikely), no doctor (unlikely), no burial (unlikely), what do you want to name your dead baby girl? hmmmm… Nothing about her story rings true for me. What I think MIGHT have happened is that she gave birth, named her Dianne, gave her to some people to raise (for whatever religious, socio-economical reason) and those people raised Dianne in a good way but maybe did not stay in contact with Zella? Maybe everyone had good intentions, but maybe as time passed, Zella and the people raising Dianne lost contact with each other? Yes, Zella is happy to see her daughter, no doubt. BUT Zella is hiding some facts!

  4. Alisson Leech
    Alisson Leech says:

    This woman is a liar. She gave that baby up probably because she was born deaf. Its sad all the other families given hope from this story.

  5. Brent
    Brent says:

    She does say some quirky things such as, something about that time of life rather than something about that time in history or along those lines, as if she could be referring to her time of life when she gave birth to that daughter rather than anything to do with medical staff. Also did they ask you if you wanted to bury it? Not this one. As if she just let it pass and accepted their authority. No death certificate either. After her previous newborn death she would have known the procedure around such an event. But she acts as if nothing was unusual about what happened.

  6. Esme S
    Esme S says:

    She’s a huge lying liar and her lawyer is a sleazy shyster. Both of them probably think there’s a chance for some cash in this whole thing. They probably stupidly assumed the hospital just didn’t bother to keep records, like it was 500 years ago instead of only 50. Shame on them for maligning this hospital. And why did this giant pack of “moms” wait all this time to look for their babies?

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