Truth, Lies and Memories

How many times have you had an argument with a loved one over who said what, and you were sure they got it wrong and you were right?  More often then you care to remember, I’m sure.

Both of you insist YOU are correct, and truthful–truly believing it. One of you may even accuse the other one of lying (I don’t recommend this BTW)!

You feel it’s just absurd: There is only one truth!  You were there.

Maybe you think they were just too emotional to be logical.

Don’t be so quick…

The reality is, as science studies the human mind, they are finding that ALL people have really bad memories and that all people create false memories. It’s part of being human.

Yes, that means you!

And the more sure you are that what you are remembering is true has ZERO correlation to reality.  Gulp. Confidence sonfidence!

Did you just enter the twilight zone wondering what is real and what do I believe then?

Yeah, me too.

Think of how this affects the truth. It’s mind boggling and yes, it affects criminal cases every day with eyewitness testimony.

Rather scary, isn’t it?

Take this fun test and share your results with me below.

Next time you get into this battle with someone over who remembers correctly, why not teach your partner that we all are flawed. It’s part of being human. And seek a resolution instead.

Being human means that you are likely to be wrong as much as you are right.

Hello, knowledge. How will you use this knowledge today?