Cardiac Studies: The Truth about what’s good for you!

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How many times have you heard if you eat red meat it’s bad for you? Or that you should skip the egg yolks–they are high in cholesterol and fat, which is heart-clogging. But is it really bad for you?

If you are middle-aged, you’ve likely heard these mantras more than you care to repeat.

The question is: Do you believe them?

I found out in the past year that I have issues with my heart that were quite startling (boo!) and with that, I’ve started to read more and more about health and nutrition–especially when it comes to our cardiac system.

In the process, I ran into Dr. Pearson’s blog, The Skeptical Cardiologist. As an expert in deception, when I saw the word “skeptical”, I have to admit I was intrigued!

I’ve been following him for probably six months now reading his posts.

What I like about Dr. Pearson’s blog is that he provides fact backed up by research and science. And he isn’t afraid to speak out when he sees misinformation put further in the public domain.

Dr. Pearson doesn’t believe you should throw out the egg yolk. He actually thinks eggs are good for you!

From his blog:

Article Two: Half A Million Chinese Can’t Be Wrong

This observational study published in Heart found that egg consumption in a huge Chinese population was associated with less stroke, and major cardiac events (MCE).

Cardiac Pulse, Time Series, Statistics
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He will also tell you that red meat (lean) is equal to chicken in terms of how it affects our body and heart!

Neither is bad for you! Go have a lean sirloin steak–you don’t have to feel guilty!

What is bad for you is animal fat.

And what I found most interesting were his articles on full fat dairy versus low fat in terms of heart health. We’ve all been sold on low fat dairy being superior, right?


He calls it the Skim Milk Scam!

From the Skeptical Cardiologist blog, “Full fat dairy is associated with less abdominal fat, lower risk of diabetes and lower risk of developing vascular complications such as stroke and heart attack.”

And he goes on to explain the financial gain in this myth for you.

His blog is truly worth checking out and following! I highly recommend reading it–it could have huge impact on your future health!
