My Thoughts on Brett Kavanaugh’s FOX Interview

Tomorrow we will see the testimony of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford. Before that fury, I wanted to share my thoughts on Kavanaugh’s FOX interview.

Do I believe Brett Kavanaugh?  I do not.  For many reasons.

When the interview begins, the reporter tells us that Ford doesn’t remember the location or the exact date of what happened, but ironically, as Kavanaugh talks a few minutes later, he DOES. (If this is inaccurately reported by FOX, then my opinion is subject to change).

What on earth?  He says this didn’t happen, he wasn’t with Ford, he didn’t have an encounter with her but HE KNOWS where this non-event happened??

Really? How does that happen?

Kavanaugh says, “This is an allegation about a party in the summer of 1982 at house near Connecticut Avenue and East-West Highway with five people present.  I was never at such party. The other people who were alleged to be present said they do not remember any such party.”

Hmmm…no one was at any such party, but I know where it was! What?

Did Ford every specify this house? Who came up with this?

If it was Kavanaugh, it doesn’t bode well for him on ANY level. It’s a huge slip in that case.  I’m open to receiving more information if FOX reported this incorrectly.

If I never had anything to do with Ford, and I never was at any such party, I would not talk about a party that never happened. But Kavanaugh does.

Kavanaugh goes on to say that he always treated women with dignity and respect.  Yet we have Kavanaugh’s own college roommate in Yale saying what Deborah Ramirez accuses him is not out of line with the Brett Kavanugh he knew. That’s powerful.

According to the FOX reporter herself, this roommate said Kavanaugh was known to drink a lot in high school and college. This directly supports Ford’s account and contradict’s Kavanaugh’s church-boy self-portrait.

If you notice Kavanaugh cannot categorically DENY he didn’t know Ford, either.  He can’t say it. He says he “may have met her.  We may have traveled in the same circles.” This raises eyebrows.

Kavanaugh also brings up Ford’s lifelong friend to say that she didn’t remember the incident, which is true, but he didn’t talk about the fact that this friend of Ford BELIEVES her account as truthful!

Kavanaugh said he was not at the party “described”.  That word choice stands out to me.  Is that what you would say or think if you were honest?  If you were honest, wouldn’t you say something to the effect of I was never at a party with Ms. Ford where any contact between us occurred. Period. That’s clear and precise.

I find Kavanaugh’s answers very selective and evasive many times over.  His behavior to me is slippery.

Add in there is not one, but multiple accusers now.  The odds of him being honest gets more and more remote as more people have made claims that don’t know each other.

Outside of not believing Kavanaugh, it comes down to this for me: We are looking as a country to interview and put a man into one of the most important seats in our judiciary for decades to come. With any job interview, for high positions, we want the best candidate possible. We want a man or woman of high integrity, of supreme ethical value, a person who shows respect and dignity for all people, who has the untarnished character to serve our nation on one of the highest and most influential jobs in our legal system. We want someone we can trust.

Is Kavanaugh that person?  With all the controversy that surrounds him, regardless of whether you believe him or not, with all the people coming forward and saying things in contradiction to what Kavanaugh says, I say the answer is clearly no regardless of your political beliefs.

Many politicians are spinning this job interview into claims its an unfair persecution of Kavanugh.  Don’t be fooled — that makes you want to think Kavanugh is being treated unfair. He is not.  He is interviewing for a job and he owes all of us answers. Interviews for jobs require tough questions about character.

I think most people who would have to hire a person for a position of trust and authority to do the right thing for the good of a country would shy away from someone of such controversy, like Kavanaugh.   He is way too controversial, and frankly not believable on any level.

Though when Kavanaugh claims he is a virgin, I believe him there. That actually fits with his character. The guy who has to brag and act like he has all these conquests (see his yearbook entries) usually doesn’t–that’s what drives him to overcompensate.

Fascinating Study of Deception

In the video above, Matthew Haverly is interviewed about the “body” found behind his house. Haverly talks to reporters as if he doesn’t know what is going on.

It later turns out that the body found was that of his mother!

Haverly gives all kind of clues that he isn’t being honest.

What do you see when you watch Haverly?

Be prepared to be chilled.

I will share my thoughts in the comments below in the coming days.

Trump in his own words…

Does Trump have something to do with Russia? I think Trump answers this for himself.

This behavior is called pathological lying.

Things That Cross My Mind

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If there is one thing that I do incessantly it is try to understand the world around me. I am endlessly curious. If a group of people “A” do one thing, then why do others do “B”? What motivates them? What is their truth?

Like everyone, I am watching the news on Ebola very closely trying to gauge how it could impact me and our world. As someone who travels for a living, I need to know what is going on so I can take the necessary precautions to protect myself, and keep me and my business healthy.

One element that has me very curious right now is the bio-hazard cleanups that occurred in four Ebola cases that we know of here in the U.S. And it raises questions for me, and leaves me with no concrete answers to understand.

We have been told that the only way Ebola is transmitted is through direct contact with body fluids. And we’ve also been told that Ebola can only live on surfaces for a short period of time. I suspect these are both truths from what we know to date. I have little reason to doubt anyone about this at this point.

I did some digging and found the longest studied documented case of Ebola surviving on another substance was 6 days.

So when someone comes down with Ebola, why are we severely gutting their apartments?

See what they did to Amber Vinson’s apartment here.

I can understand saying the apartment is a danger zone and banning people from entry for a week or two, and cleaning out perishable foods and liquids, and any contaminants such as blood or vomit, but to remove 53 barrels of waste material and call it hazardous from a small apartment is unsettling. They removed nearly everything.

It seems completely inconsistent and has me scratching my head in curiosity.

Also, I wouldn’t think they would want to send anyone in for a week to make sure we don’t further contaminate people unnecessarily.  Why take undue risks that aren’t necessary?  Let the virus die if it is there.

If they just did a basic sanitation and closed and locked the door for two weeks, you would think that would be sufficient, but by the actions we see people doing, they don’t believe it is. And who makes these decisions?  What are the laws? Are we just reacting out of fear?  What is the truth here? Is there fear Ebola could be spread through the air?

Then I was shocked to read the fiancee of the doctor in New York City, Morgan Dixon, went back to the apartment they shared with Craig Spencer, the first NYC doctor to return from Africa and get Ebola.  After a 1-day bio-cleanup in his apartment, she returned there again.   You can surmise if she was able to return to that apartment to live in it, it obviously wasn’t nearly as stripped as what we saw happen to the Texas for the nurses apartments, without question.

Why the differences?

And so I ask what is the truth here? Are people simply reacting in panic? Is this only going to happen in apartments to alleviate fears of the remaining residence? Is this overly cautious behavior?  Or is there more to this?

Can we continue to do this if we get a bigger outbreak?  Is this reasonable?

Right now I do not have the answers…I am watching closely to learn more.



Not Now

Denial is something that we all witness on a regular basis. It’s when a person doesn’t want to accept or cannot accept the truth, and hence they push it away. They either deny what is obvious to others, or they refuse to talk about, or they discount anything said to them is logical.

Denial is a mechanism that can be used by our own body to preserve our sanity, or it can bring us to the brink of insanity.

Denial can happen in two ways:  subconscious or conscious denial. 

When children kill, I have seen parents go into a subconscious denial. It’s quite common and its a coping mechanism for survival.  The idea that one’s own flesh and blood has killed someone is simply too much for the brain to cope with, and hence the body literally rejects the idea at every turn. It’s understandable.  It would not be easy for a parent to rationalized that they produced a killer in physical form, if no other.

Other parents of homicidal children display indications that they are living in plain old conscious denial.  They know the truth, but don’t want to accept or talk about it. That’s the difference.  In subconscious denial, they have no idea they are in denial whereas conscious denial they do, but reject the concepts with knowledge of their inconsistency.

Some of you have asked me, how do I know if I am in denial?  This is an excellent question.

When people disagree with you, and you refuse to consider their point of view–this is the simplest form of denial that can lead to a growing problem. If you get defensive when someone doesn’t agree with you, and you can’t listen to an opposing opinion–take note!  A good sign of this is you get into heated discussions with people about your topic and can’t find people who agree with you.

To ensure you are not in denial, you need to not only be able to calmly listen to other people’s opinion and be able to take them into fair consideration, but you must be able to rationalize your thoughts to most people and have a sense that you are understood by others.  It’s when we can’t agree with others and we are isolated in our opinion that denial becomes a distinct possibility.

So how do you know you are truly understood?  I would look for true interactive discussions. If people are sharing back supportive ideas with you, and elaborating on your thought process with their own independent ideas, you have a good idea that your thought process is not just your own, but congruent with other people.

It’s when people don’t elaborate or get into discussions with you, but simply politely smile back at you and nod their head, without having a discussion that you should take note. It could be simply because they don’t want to have a discussion, or it would be that they think your thinking is off and that you are not seeing something clearly.  

So, how do you find the answer to this question?  You simply engage more people!  If a handful of people refuse to engage in a conversation with you–people who you know normally would, it’s a red flag.  Or if a handful of people disagree with you and cannot see your perspective — you need to do some self-assessing. You could be in denial.

People who are in conscious denial will slowly isolate themselves away from the people who disagree with them, and they will protect their denial by isolation and removal.  They will then try to seek out people who agree with them and try to hang out with those people–rejecting the others.  Or they will fight frantically to keep their beliefs powerful.  They may rage at simple and normal discussions because they feel they are being threatened in their belief system.

A person who is an independent thinker and who is not in denial will be able to engage in discussions, share ideas, ponder different points of view, and will feel confident about their opinions without any negative feelings.

Happy Holidays!