Dash Cam Facial Expressions

Here is a fascinating study of young drivers and the facial expressions they make while driving. Watch them drive and face some seriously close calls.

What is surprising is their facial expressions seem muted considering the situation.

I hear Dr. Drew Pinsky in my head saying that young people under the age of 25 haven’t developed fully in the brain, and therefore don’t make good decisions.

Here is a research article that talks specifically about this. In it, they say, “The frontal lobe, tasked with decision making, planning, judgement, expression of emotions and impulse control may not be fully mature until the mid-20s.”

That may explain it…

Expression of the Day (4-1-15)

What information can you glean from this facial expression?

I will respond in the coming days with my thoughts.

Expression of the Day (3-23-15)

What do you see when you look at this boy’s body language and stance?

Expression of the Day (Dec 5 2014)

What expression do you see in the photo above?