What do you think is the biggest myth BELIEVED in spotting liars?

There are many myths to spotting lies that are believed — from liars look up and to the right when they fib, or that they can’t look you in the eye.  Another one is liars are nervous, as if honest people being questioned wouldn’t be.

None of these are true.

What are some things you’ve heard people say they believe reveals a liar but you know are not true?

The myths perpetuated in the media, online, and on TV are everywhere.

The Duggars and Molestation

I haven’t seen all of the video of the Duggars speaking out on Fox News with Megan Kelly. I haven’t even followed this story, but reading about it this morning due to the requests of readers, I am totally flagged by the story being told.

The Duggars are saying that Josh came to them and admitted he was touching his younger siblings at night.


Does that even sound plausible?

The concept that Josh knew his behavior was wrong and decided to tell his parents does not seem realistic to me.  Most teenagers who engage in any sexual behavior don’t go and confess it to their parents.  IF they realize it is wrong, they would simply stop and hope the discussion never comes up.

I do not believe we are getting the truth here at all.

I am further concerned that Jill is saying that the girls didn’t even know they were touched or that it was inappropriate, and yet Jim Bob says, “This was like touching somebody over their clothes. There were a couple instances where he touched them under their clothes.”

So the girls didn’t know they were touched under their clothes?


And a babysitter was also affected, but you notice there is no talk of that at all.

I don’t believe Josh came forward and that his parents were just good citizens and turned him into police and got counseling. I believe there is a lot more to this story, and I feel for the Duggar children who are being shown that honesty is not the best policy.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel for any parent who has to deal with a challenging situation like this, but please parents, if you are going to talk, which you do not have to do, tell the truth or don’t speak at all. You are setting a horrible example for your children.

Kris and Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner

For those of you who know me and follow me, I am not one who follows celebrities. It’s just not my thing. I really know very little about the Kris, the Kardashians or even Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner.

But reading the headlines today, I was taken back by what Caitlyn says.

I don’t believe her at all. I see flags which are indicative we are not getting the truth and it seems there is bitterness here.  Not a good way to start a new life.

Kris is having a hard time accepting things, and understandably so. I believe Kris that Bruce suffered from a lot of social anxiety prior to coming out and Bruce himself even says he recently had a panic attack back in March.

Amanda Knox Speaks Out

The first words out of my mouth after hearing Amanda Knox speak are “WOW”.

I am utterly stunned at her responses, but Amanda has not fit the part that she has portrayed from day one, and this is just another instance.

Imagine you were wrongly accused, locked up for several years, supposedly hit by authorities, had to endure multiple trials of all lies, and finally, you were set free.

Would you feel “gratitude” after having to suffer for years and be looked at as a murderer due to an atrocious foreign injustice??

I don’t think so.

I watched Amanda and looked for any signs of pain for all the injustices she supposedly endured, and there are none. She didn’t have it when she first arrived home from her Italian prison, either. It was oddly and always missing.

Amanda only stressed when she tried to get people to believe her.

Amanda is so relieved, so free of any pain to support that she suffered the injustices she wants us to believe.

If Amanda was guilty, however, her behavior makes total sense.

I can understand “relief” that they finally got it “right” if one were innocent, but we don’t see relief. We see GRATITUDE!

And if you notice her mom is the only one that thinks of the word “right” — not Amanda, oddly. I would think that is the first thing she would think of if she were a victim in this case, but she doesn’t.

Furthermore, when Amanda talks of Meredith, there is no sadness to support her sympathy for Meredith. There are no oblique eyebrows whatsoever. No pain for Meredith at all. She works hard to try to find that place and fails.

And at the end, Amanda says she is the “lucky one”.

How many wrongly accused people have you heard feel they are the “lucky one”?

Its pure insanity!!

But yes, Amanda, you were one of the lucky ones. You were able to walk when I don’t believe you should have…

You vote.  What do you think?