Joran van der Sloot Confesses to Natalee Holloway’s Murder

Joran van der Sloot has finally confessed to killing Natalee Holloway in a proffer eighteen years after her murder.

He pled guilty earlier this week to trying to extort $250,000 dollars from Natalee’s mother, Beth Holloway.  Be warned, his confession while brief, confesses the bare minimum, and is stone-cold chilling. He lacks any normal emotions and clearly has no remorse or regret: classic behavior of a psychopath.

You can listen to his confession here.

I never believed Joran van der Sloot from day one, and shared the boatloads of clues he left in his interviews.

I’ll provide links to those analysis below.

Were you following me when I wrote about Joran?

Van der Sloot’s confession is missing a lot of detail, if you ask me, but it likely alludes to the basic truth: a violent attack due to rebuffed sexual advances.  You don’t tell a psychopath no.

Van der Sloot also killed Stephanie Flores for rebuffed sexual advances as well in Peru.  He admitted to choking Flores, and I suspect that occurred with Holloway, too, sadly. I suspect he used it as a tool to get compliance for his needs, as horrific as that is to think about before killing these women.

He also creepily paints Natalee as an aggressor to his advances in his–what I would call–an edited confession.  I don’t believe for a minute that she got violent with him first by kicking him in the groin for making sexual advances, as he says. He likely choked her first, if she kicked him at all and it was likely a last ditched effort to get away–realizing she was in life-threatening trouble, sadly.  The truth can be so dark and painful to think about.

Do I think he only went into the water up to his knees? I question it: Would that carry a body away with certainty?  That seems questionable to me just on logic, but maybe the Aruba sea has deep drop offs in that location. I don’t know.

We don’t have the whole story here, and never will sadly. Not with a psychopath like Joran.

So this confession?  In my eyes, it’s a whitewashed version and told in a way that still protects Joran. He doesn’t want you to see all of him, still. But he at least owns it for Beth Holloway. I think she needed that to move on.

Looking back at what I wrote over a decade ago is also very chilling to read it now knowing his confession.

You can read my analysis from the Chris Cuomo interview in 2006 here. Or you can browse through all the posts I did over the years on this case by clicking here and here.

My heart goes out to the Holloway family to have to endure this psychopath for so long. Hopefully, they can move on with the lovely memories of Natalee, and find some healing, if that is possible.

Alex Murdaugh Smiling during Buster’s testimony

I’ve been watching snippets of the Alex Murdaugh trial the last couple of days.  He is a very skilled liar who can lie without any stress, which is very rare.  Not that he hasn’t expressed stressed, don’t get me wrong. He clearly has. When he gets in his head and his mind starts racing at the reality facing him, he truly stresses out and shows a bit of an unraveling, but only he freaks out at his own pain, sadly!  Not when he lies. That doesn’t bother him one iota.

I was scanning through Alex’s son Buster’s testimony briefly this morning when I encountered his smile expression on Alex that was rather chilling to me.

Does he look like a man on trial for the murder of his wife and son when you see that smile?

He was so content in this moment when his son Buster testifies it is mind blowing, but certainly fits the criteria of someone who suffers from a serious pathology and a person who is capable of doing such a horrific crime.

Do I believe Alex Murdaugh?  I do not. If you were falsely accused of murdering your wife or husband, and your child, could you ever sit so content and relaxed before being cleared?  Most people could not!

You can follow me on Twitter as I will be commenting there when I can.

Do you find his expression jarring?

Alex Murdaugh Trial: My Opinion


Many people are interested in the murder trial of Alex Murdaugh, a lawyer from a prominent legal family for decades in South Carolina, accused of killing his son and wife.

To me, as the story was unfolding in the news in 2021, I was dumbfounded at the multiple one-in-a-million scenarios that were swirling around Murdaugh.  When you see that, always take notice.  Bad things can happen 1-in-a-million times, maybe twice: but three, four or five times??

No, that’s too unlikely with just plain old statistical odds alone.

That’s your first massive red flag.

Then when that person with these multiple 1-in-a-million odd stories, turns out to be an admitted liar?  And are caught in lie after lie after lie?

Your red flags are on FIRE!

Just say’n.

ON FIRE in capital letters!

Murdaugh is riddled with inconsistencies everywhere I looked and still look.

Above and beyond the murders of his son and wife, he is facing over 100 charges (according to the news I am reading) for money laundering, stealing millions from the family business and clients, to tax evasion, and being involved in roadside shooting incident that has hotter than coals on fire when it happened where his living son stood to gain $10 million in insurance money.

I am still open to look at clips of the case, if people want to post them in the comments.  Everyone should have a right to a fair trial.

I do have one question for anyone who believes him, why do you believe him, if you would courageously share it with me privately or in the comments.


I know people are looking at his testimony to see what clues he drops.  In the video above, a reader has asked, does Alex Murdaugh’s headshakes indicate deception?

My answer is no.

This is not a classical presentation of an inconsistent nod or head shake.  To understand headshakes, you must understand human behavior at a deeper level.

It’s not black and white.

Murdaugh’s headshakes are a rather odd behavior, to be honest.

I’m scratching my head with them. I want to see more:  Is this being done intentionally because he knows about this signal so he is trying to confuse us?

Or is this just a weird behavioral quirk unique to Murdaugh?

I suspect it is the latter, but he is a polished liar so I am curious about the first!  If you see more videos of him doing this–please post links and time makers!! I’d like to figure this out.

Does he do it at other times when answering questions? Is it consistent when he tells the truth and lies? We have him caught in enough lies to look at this. If he only does it with his lies, it will make me go hmmm….


If you watch Murdaugh in multiple interviews, you can clearly see this man can lie without a flinch, with no outward signs in interviews.

There are people who can do this. Always know this! But its very rare.

The most evil among us are capable of this, and often can get away with a lot of crimes because they can not only lie without any emotional remorse, BUT they know how to play on other people’s emotions skillfully and with precision to fool them!

Many highly intelligent psychopaths get away with some horrific stuff because of this.

Is Murdaugh a psychopath?  It is plausible here.

To get up on the stand in a case like this is ultra-risky, but it is a common practice for psychopaths to do. They think they are brilliant due to all the lies they pulled off successfully over their lifetime. They become so arrogant and cocky they keep convincing themselves they can fool anyone. And Murdaugh being a lawyer, too, he may continue to think he can fool the jury without question.

But I don’t think in this case Murdaugh will do that successfully.

He is grasping at straws to say he lied to investigators about being at the kennels the night of the murders because he didn’t trust SLED, and that he had addiction and was paranoid. Oh, he was paranoid alright but not for the reasons he said.  Skilled liars love to lay bits of truth at people’s feet to confuse them.

He was paranoid–that is the truth!! He was afraid that they would connect the dots way before he was prepared  to answer!  And to that point, he further tries to earn people’s sympathy that night by saying another TRUTHFUL FACT, “I don’t think I was capable of reason.”

That’s the truth! But yikes!!  I can imagine his defense team was cringing like crazy when he said that! That was a huge slip up, if you ask me.

He now has put himself at the location of the crime within minutes of when it occurred and admitted he didn’t think he was capable of reason that night.  He’s clearly not as smart as he thought he was.


Casey Anthony: “But no one asked why!”

Ever since we had the Steven Avery documentary on Netflix, Making a Murderer, in 2015,  I don’t have much faith in shows like this to be hard-sleuthed for the truth.  I expect purely sensational TV for ratings–not hard investigative journalism.  So forgive me, I do not have much hope in this latest feature on Casey Anthony coming out by Peacock at the end of November to reveal anything. I suspect it will just be an entertainment piece that benefits the network and possibly even Casey Anthony here.  However, I will look at it (if I have access) and keep my eyes and ears open. I do care about the truth.

And I want to share the truth–especially if I see an evil person misleading people.  But keep yourself neutral here. Let’s listen.

When I watch the promo above, the first thing we see is Casey Anthony angrily stating, “No one asked why!”

It immediately puts you on edge and makes you feel alarmed, doesn’t it?  Like did you ask why?!!??

A bit of, “What is wrong with YOU here?”

Am I right?

But wait a minute, this is a victim stance–a stance many toxic perpetrators do!  They play victim!!

Alert–this is a BIG red flag for me. My walls of protection are pulling upward.

Is Casey Anthony a victim?

She surely wants you to believe she is.

By doing this, she immediately puts you on the defensive and attacks YOU to keep the target off of HER.

Swift, clever and fast, it’s rather mind-boggling, isn’t it?

Hold on to your pants, don’t recoil at her embolden behavior at this point.

Take note and don’t allow her to make you second guess yourself and your emotional response.

That is exactly what she wants.

Realign yourself. Think about her statement logically.

Hold your emotions and your truth in check. This is essential.

She is trying to act like she was railroaded, but folks, Casey Anthony faced a death-penalty trial. She had a platform to give her defense, to tell her story, to tell the WHY, to honor her daughter, right? She is acting like she could never say why before.  Is that reasonable or true?

It’s not.

This is actually GASLIGHTING. It’s meant to do all the things I said above –to disorient you, confuse you and make you question yourself and not her.

It’s to throw you off-center, and it works against most people when used as Casey Anthony has above.

Did she succeed in gaslighting you?

Her statement here:  It’s completely inconsistent immediately, it denies reality and doesn’t support an element of truth.

We all know one thing. Casey Anthony is a pathological liar, so tread cautiously.

Please note this piece was an edited cut and we do not know the entire conversation, so I am putting in a caveat here that given the entire conversation, there is a slight chance it could change how it is understood and interpreted. I reserve the right to adjust my assessment when given more information.

So while it is a huge ALERT and red flag for me here, it is important to see the entire conversation to make a solid judgement, but it will be very hard for her to make this come out any other way. So let’s take what we’ve seen so far, and file it under a strong red flag.

Find your ground, hold your truth and what you’ve known from the past (don’t question it) and listen logically. Hold your emotions of out this!  Let’s see what comes next…


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The Depp-Heard Trial Thoughts April 27, 2022

Yesterday Depp’s attorney put Dr. Shannon Curry, a forensic psychologist, on the stand.  She testified that Heard has Borderline and Histrionic Personality Disorder.  This may make Amber prone to feeling intense emotions that are hard for her to control and may make her appear dramatic as a result. It’s an important diagnosis to consider. I am curious how her defense team will address this, and if there is an psychological evaluation of Depp that has been completed. Please know I am not watching the trial. I only am able to watch clips as I have time, so my opinions will be directly related to the clips I am watching.

In this video clip below, Heard describes an incident with Depp and her sister at the top of a flight of stairs in a deposition. It was sent to me by a viewer who questions if Heard’s emotional response and story here are authentic.  Her emotions are authentic here. You can see her supporting emotions of anger. We see her lips get thin and curl in. We see a microexpression of disgust.  We see stress in her forehead, albeit there may be some Botox there.

Heard was truly worried about her sister. And she admits she would have done anything to protect her sister. This is honest and open. She is not acting controlling as we saw Depp do on the stand in yesterday’s analysis. She was truly angry and concerned about her sister’s safety.  If Heard has Borderline Personality disorder, while she felt her sister’s life was on the line authentically, to a normal person viewing this incident in person, that mindset may be seen as a dramatic response. So there is truth here, but the perspectives of what happened may be inaccurate. Does that make sense? This may be hard for people to parse out and understand.

Last, I want to bring up this clip of Depp I found where he is asked if stuck Heard.  He does not leak any direct clues here that reveal the truth. He doesn’t give me anything that supports it’s the truth either. I will say I don’t feel comfortable with his response, but that is just a gut feeling. Not every statement leaks clues to deception.  So at this point I will remain neutral on this aspect until I get more information (testimony, evidence, etc).

When I analyzed yesterday’s clip, what I see is a man who has violent emotional outbursts that he is unable to control. I see a man who is unable to admit to his behavior, and a man who is willing to re-write the story to his benefit. These are traits of abusive men. Does that make him one? No.  Is it more likely than average? Yes. His behavior is telling that he is not able to control himself. That’s a huge red beacon, folks. We see the same with Heard, too, in clips.

So the pendulum here is swinging toward him lashing out due to his lack of control, but I do not have a complete picture to say what the truth is at this point with regards to the legal case. And that is a different matter, and I want to be clear on that. My analysis yesterday was for the video I analyzed. It does not speak on the entirety of the case. People are not black and white.  Someone may be honest in one clip and lie in another. Not all statements leak clues.

I suspect from what I have seen, we have two emotionally volatile and highly dysfunctional people who are unable to maintain self-control. Both act very inappropriate towards each other.  This case may be both wanting to be “right” and both are equally in the wrong. I will continue to watch the case and share what i see on a video-by-video basis as I have the time.

What do you think?

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