Tag Archive for: Michael McStay

The McStay Murders

Many people wonder what I think of the recent developments in the case of the McStay family murders. We have video footage of Chase Merritt speaking to CNN as well as other footage of family members, etc.

When I watch Chase Merritt speak, from the interviews I’ve seen on CNN last night, I can say that I do not see anything that sets me off as “hot” regarding deception.  He actually says a couple of things that lean towards honesty in these videos. He says and does things that are more consistent with honesty than deception, though I have chosen to remain neutral on him.  I remain neutral when I don’t believe I have strong enough behavioral evidence to be conclusive from what I have seen.  With that, if people have interviews of Chase Merritt that they believe reveal hot spots, please post links to them below with time markers and I will look at them.

I want to clarify that I saw Chase in the interview on CNN in Buried Secrets: Who Murdered the McStay Family.  I missed the first 15 minutes of the show, but saw the rest of it. I tried to find links to the show in full this morning, but was unable to. I wanted to watch the first 15 minutes I missed.

There is a person in this case, however, that deeply troubles me in this investigation, and it is Michael McStay, the brother Joseph McStay, who was murdered along with his family.  He has pinged me in every single interview he has done to date.

Michael McStay concerns me on multiple levels.

Chase Merritt was the one who pointed out that the family seemed to be missing, and it was Michael who just wrote it off and ignored it.  Merritt kept asking the family to stop by, to take a look and to take it seriously, and it took Michael 9 days to get to his brother’s house. Michael said he just believed his brother and family were on vacation, and yet the dogs were left outside with no food or water?  How does that make sense?

I am troubled by how Michael behaves in the interview with Tim Miller from Equusearch when they first searched the house.  He shows no concern whatsoever when strangers seem to know something is very off. Michael McStay laughs and jokes as if all is well–very odd.  Michael says very boldly, “The detectives told me this is not a crime scene and I can do whatever I want to.”  His statement there is so full of arrogance and lack of concern for his brother that it is staggering. If you found food rotting on the counters and it appeared your family left quickly, wouldn’t you want to treat everything as a crime scene to preserve evidence?  Why didn’t Michael?

How could have been sure it wasn’t a crime scene?  It defies logic.

In the video inside the McStay house with Tim Miller, someone off film says to Michael, “They didn’t get abducted or forcibly removed from the house…” and Michael responds “No, well no,  …no, somebody could have said hey man, just like happened before Chase said ‘oh my shop got broken into, I can’t finish your jobs, I’ve got thousands of dollars to get out”…it could have been, ‘hey Joe, I’m coming over, I’m almost there, I’m almost there’, he got five calls…uh, ‘hey, I’m here, I’ll meet you at the bank or whatever’. My brother was going to give him money again, who knows, it could have been that….I…that’s….a possibility, too.  But I can tell you one thing, they got pulled away from the house by somebody that was comfortable to them.”

I find it odd that Michael immediately points the finger towards Chase so early on. If he was suspicious of Chase, why didn’t he wonder why his brother and his family were gone for 9 days? Why didn’t he respond to Chase’s earlier phone calls the day after Chase was suspicious something went wrong? Chase had to call Michael’s mom to get Michael to come out. These seem inconsistent to me. In that entire video, Micheal’s demeanor and behavior is off.

When the bodies of the McStay family were found in November 2013, we see Michael again acting odd. You can read my post here.  He is crying tears, but shows every indication his crying is fake.  And worse, he says at the end of his speech which is riddled with oddities and extreme discomfort, “I know everyone in America loves the McStays, and we’re going to find this individual…or individuals…I know the sheriffs, the FBI, ….everybody wants to bring this to justice, and if its the last thing I do, I just…..I just wanna know, you know… when its over (laugh).”  He then buries his face!! He comes back up to the microphone and says, “That’s all” as he gives an expression of contempt.


What is making him laugh?  It’s not nervous laughter in the slightest.  He finds something funny and he wants to hide it in nearly every interview we see of him. It doesn’t add up at all. Is he hiding a huge whopper?  It sure makes you think.  Add to this, he went into his brothers house multiple times because the police didn’t make it a crime scene, and he freely admits he took his brother’s computer, too.  Why was his brother’s computer of interest to him, if it wasn’t of interest to the police? And he asked that if anyone found any secure digital cards from his sister-in-laws camera lying around the house to give them directly to him.  I found that very odd.

In that post above when the McStay’s bodies were found, I also mention that I happened upon a statement by Michael McStay reported by People Magazine in 2010 where Michael was quoted as saying, “My fear is that I’m looking for two adult shallow graves and … my two nephews’ crosses.”

WHAT??  What the hell is going on?  He seems to have predicted how we’d find his relatives to a tee — three years before they were found. How does this happen?  This is no coincidence.

And last, after hearing that Chase Merritt has been arrest, Michael McStay’s behavior clearly jumps out at me again.  Look at this video below at the six minute time marker.

Watch as Michael walks to the microphone–he has to hide his face!! Why?

Because his emotions are flat out inappropriate. He is holding back laughter again. He starts out by saying, “I said I wasn’t going to cry (smiling the whole time) but um, they did a great job.”

Michael is TRYING TO ACT sad, but he cannot pull it off.  There are no scientific markers of sadness whatsoever.  Instead, he keeps trying to shake off his happiness and shows lots of signs of discomfort doing so.  I have no doubt that Michael is faking his emotions here, and why in the world would he have to fake his emotions unless he feels differently?

People are pointing the motive of jealousy with Merritt. The one I have to wonder about who might have been jealous is Michael.

While I am open to continue exploring this case through behavioral evidence and interviews, I cannot get Michael McStay out of my mind. He is haunting, to say the least.  He is hiding something and it doesn’t make me feel good on any level.

McStay Family Found Dead: Brother Speaks Out

The disappearance and murder of the McStay family in southern California in 2010 is a perplexing case.  What happened to them? How did the family end up murdered–only to be discovered nearly four years later in two shallow graves?

No one to date has the answers.

A reader has sent me a video of the murdered father’s brother, Michael McStay, speaking out at a press conference shortly after the bodies of his brother and family were found and identified this month.

The first thing you will notice is Michael is acting all stressed out and shedding tears, but we see no scientific evidence on his face to support he is feeling either of these.

I am immediately pinged that his eyebrows and forehead are nearly frozen.  I can’t help but question if this man has had Botox.  But at 1:43, I see he can show stress in the forehead and it only appears once!

He also appears to be speaking hesitantly, with pauses, which typically accompany someone who is crying hard and flooding their sinuses, but his sinuses are clearly not flooded.  This is a red flag.

Michael also laughs in this interview at the end, and tries to stop himself at which point he buries his face in his arm. It’s very odd and notable behavior.

After watching this video of Michael, I would want to investigate him further without question.  He is on my radar.

Curious about this case, I went and read some more details and I found a really odd statement by Michael, according to People magazine.  They reportedly quote Michael from the Orange County Register saying in 2010 a few weeks after his brother and family disappeared, “My fear is that I’m looking for two adult shallow graves and … my two nephews’ crosses.”

If Michael said that, and it can be verified, um, he has some serious explaining to do!! He knows something without question and isn’t telling us all he knows to be true.