Thomas Herrion

While I am not into sports, and I had never heard of Thomas Herrion prior to his death, I do find his death interesting.

What I find interesting are the reports that are coming out about it. After an autopsy, the medical examiner is unable to find a cause of death. That would pretty much rule out an enlarged heart (stressed from being overweight), and a bunch of medical conditions — which can be gleaned from studying the physical body.

Yet oddly, Fox news and other news organizations are still saying that they wonder if Herrion’s weight played a part in his death. I find this to be deceptive and misleading. The medical examiner is waiting for toxicology reports (i.e. to see if drugs played a part in his death).

When you look at Thomas Herrion’s photos, he has the classical look of someone who used steroids. I have no clue whether the guy did or not, but I can guarantee you, if he did — you certainly won’t hear of it. I certainly have my suspicions.

Let me put it this way, the NFL doesn’t openly talk about steroids in situations like this. Just six months ago, Reggie White died very similarly, and they told everyone the cause of death wouldn’t be determined for oddly “four to six weeks” just as they are saying with Thomas Herrion.

Reggie White died eight months ago now, and we never heard the cause of his death, and we won’t hear the cause of death of Herrion either. I can pretty much bet on that one…

Just curious, if anyone finds the factual determined cause of death about Reggie White, and it seems plausible with toxicology reports, please let me know. I’d be shocked. In my search this morning, no news reports came up in late January or early February 2005 — four to six weeks after Reggie’s death. There were lots of speculative reports days after his death around Christmas time — but nothing after the medical examiner got his toxicology reports.
