Analyzing Horowitz

** I deleted this because it was announced on the day I posted this that there was an arrest in this case. I figured my timing was bad so this was useless to post.

I’ve seen a two interviews of Daniel Horowitz talking about his wife’s murder this past week. One on CNN and one on

Mr. Horowitz’s facial expressions, responses and answers are consistent in each of the videos I have seen. From the questions I have seen him answer, I do not believe he is a suspect.

Mr. Horowitz answered the questions he was asked — honestly.

I wish, however, someone would ask him OUT RIGHT if he murdered his wife, but I doubt I will see that because he is a known TV personality (Wouldn’t that be taboo?!).

Right now I stand at 85% confidence he is innocent of commiting a crime. If I see him answer the burning question of ‘Did you do it’, I can give a 100% certain answer.

Mr. Horowitz gives off genuine expressions of saddness about the loss of his wife, and genuine anger when he hears media-created lies.

I am also certain that Mr. Horowitz does not show any pathological traits.

Watch the interview here