Adam Saleh and Julie Popovich UPDATE

There is new information coming out about the Adam Saleh and Julie Popovich case (which I first wrote about here on Feb. 10, 2006). It came out in the past two weeks.

According to the article — Adam Saleh’s cell phone rang twice the night Julie Popovich was murdered. The first time, the tower that picked up Saleh’s phone call was “…a cell phone tower at Hoover Reservoir, where Popovich’s body was found.”

Furthermore, there is documentation that inmates are talking about what Saleh has said.

If you see more information about this case — keep me posted.

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Did you know it will be two years this October that I have been blogging about what I see and what I believe — and no one has come and proven me wrong on one case yet??

Granted, I expect to be proven wrong — out of all the calls I make. After all, I’m human and not a machine. But get this: If I am 80% accurate, that’s 5-10% more accurate than a lie detecting machine on average. Go figure!