Ellen-Beth Fullwood Cleared

Every now and then, I go back through cases that I have reviewed to see where things stand. I reviewed the case of the Coral Rose Fullwood back in June of this year. I specifically was asked to look at Dale Fullwood by a reader of my blog, and I didn’t like what I saw.

I had major concerns and saw many, many red flags even though police have DNA from the crime scene that doesn’t match Dale Fullwood. I do not trust Dale Fullwood’s story at all.

People were also looking at Dale Fullwood’s wife, Ellen-Beth Fullwood at the time.

After I gave my opinion on Dale, I was then asked by a reader in the comments section to share my insight about Ellen-Beth Fullwood as well –which I did here in the comments section as well.

I am happy to report that the Naples Daily News is reporting as of September 17, 2007, that Beth-Ellen Fullwood has been cleared by police. The same, however, cannot be said about Dale Fullwood though he has never been formally declared a suspect in this case.