Peterson: Looking at the Blue Barrel

In the Drew Peterson case, a blue barrel seems to be gaining momentum. Have you heard about it?

Peterson’s neighbors have identified to police that Peterson had a blue barrel in his backyard that is now missing. Furthermore, one neighbor has stated that they saw Peterson move this barrel with an unidentified man on the day Stacy Peterson went missing.

If this is true, Peterson has some serious explaining to do, and it appears that what the neighbors are saying is true.

Police have found evidence of this mystery blue barrel in the back of Peterson’s confiscated Denali SUV. And, as of yesterday, they have identified the man who help Peterson carry it as his stepbrother, Thomas Morphey.

The story gets even more interesting.

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Reports say that the day after Morphey and Peterson moved this blue barrel from Peterson’s house (bedroom) to his SUV, Morphey attempted suicide or overdosed on his depression medication.

The latest reports (within the last hour) are saying that Morphey attempted suicide because he feared he may have helped Peterson dispose of her dead body. The barrel was still “warm to the touch”.

One thing is for sure: Morphey, if put in the hot seat, may have some critical information for this investigation.

Last night, Mark Furman spoke to Greta on Fox’s On The Record, and said that he had attempted to locate Morphey, to no avail.

I also read that Peterson called in sick on the night Stacy disappeared. It’s another piece to the puzzle that I hadn’t heard before.

Either way, I think the blue barrel is highly significant in this case, or Peterson would have magically produced it by now. But because the police have forensic evidence to one specific barrel, Peterson can’t get just any blue barrel to take its place, and because he can’t produce the blue barrel, it doesn’t bode well for Peterson again.

WJBC AM Radio is reporting:

“Attorney Joel Brodsky (Peterson’s attorney) says the Peterson family member in question has a history of mental problems, alcoholism and suicide attempts. And Brodsky says he may be seeking attention or living in ‘a fantasy world.'”

Not surprising. That may be why Peterson asked for his help, knowing this could be said.

I was surprised to hear defense attorney Bernie Grimm, on Greta Van Susteren’s On The Record last night, say that he didn’t believe the blue barrel was significant. That blew me away!

Let’s just hope that Peterson didn’t fly that night, because if he didn’t, I think the police will crack this case. If he flew, the odds of finding this blue barrel and its contents are greatly reduced.

10:41 PM EST:
News reports are saying that Peterson picked up Morphey on the night of Stacy’s disappearance and dropped him off at a coffee shop. Then he handed Morphey his phone and told him that if it rings, to not answer it. Then Peterson left, and of course, Morphey got a phone call from “Stacy”. Do you believe Morphey is telling the truth? Was Peterson using Stacy’s cell phone and calling himself in order to mislead investigators?

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