Religion, Politics and Emotion

Many readers ask me to discuss political figures, people of faith, and yes, sometimes, even psychics, and identify the truth-tellers among them. And for those of you who have asked, you know it is something I don’t do.

Why is that, you wonder?

Politics and religion are emotionally based beliefs, as are beliefs in psychics.

In emotional situations, people tend to see only what they want to see. When the truth presents itself and it is contrary to a belief system, people will try to find justifications to explain why the “truth” isn’t the truth. They will say there is a misunderstanding, that what you stated isn’t what that person meant, that you are reading too much into it, that you are seeing it incorrectly. Many times insults start to fly when an agreement isn’t reached.

I’ve learned this the hard way, thank you very much!

So instead of helping people see the truth, I suspect most often, I will simply serve as (a) a source to confirm one’s own belief, or (b) a source of frustration, and hence, potentially the target of peoples’ emotions when I don’t agree with them.

Forgive me, but I see no justification for doing that.

I am almost certain that everyone reading this already holds a strong opinion on each of these subjects, and my pointing out truth-tellers will have little to no effect on those beliefs.

If you believe in God or a god, are strongly affiliated with one political party over another, or want to trust a psychic, then that is good enough for me!