Hannah Montana Mom really sorry?

I am sure most of you have heard about the mom who helped her daughter write an essay in hopes of winning free tickets to the Hannah Montana concert in New York on January 9th. She wrote an essay, and won.

Priscilla Ceballos helped her six year old daughter write “My daddy died this year in Iraq. I am going to give mommy the Angel pendant that daddy put on mommy when she was having me. I had it in my jewelry box since that day. I love my mommy.”

It was a complete lie. Her dad didn’t die in Iraq. Furthermore, these are clearly not the thoughts of six year old. It doesn’t take an Einstein to see that.

Ceballos tells everyone that she didn’t know it was breaking the rule to create a fictitious story.

Oh really?

Read moreCeballos seems to forget the moral obligation of parents to teach children honesty, and how to win a competition with integrity and fairness. Instead, she tries to twist the truth again. She wants you to continue to buy her deceptive games. She wants you to believe she just didn’t know any better.

Excuse me, but I’m not buying it. And Ceballos boldly takes it a step further. Watch here.

Matt Lauer says, “How did you explain to your daughter that she won, and then lost this contests?”

Ceballos responds, “…I..I…I really haven’t. I mean… I really told her…I’ve actually told her the truth. You know, I told her we wrote an essay and… you know, their…they…they said it was a lie and you know… we… I…I refused to accept the tickets.”

Matt Lauer says, “Refused to accept the tickets or they were taken away from you?”

Ceballos says, “Well…I…I did refused to accept them, but I told her that, you know…there… there will be another time.”

Refused to accept them? Told her child the truth?

Ceballos is continuing to add insult to injury. She is insulting us with her “stories” a second time around.