Hans Reiser Found Guilty

I am not surprised by the news that is out today that Hans Reiser was found guilty of murder last night. I was a little surprised they came back with first degree murder.

I was really surprised by the people who voted at Wired.com, who thought that the prosecution didn’t prove the case. I have some astute readers: You guys saw it pretty clear. Eight-eight percent of you thought he was guilty, too, after seeing what came out in the trial.

Knowing people, I think Reiser’s contempt in court really hurt him with the jury. He clearly showed them he was unable to contain himself, and follow rules–which doesn’t bode well for a murder trial. I think he may have made it easier for the jury to come back with first degree murder.

In the end, while Nina will never be able to live out her life, I think justice was served in this case.

Here is my original opinion of Hans Reiser back on November 7, 2007 when all I had to go by on Hans Reiser were a few small video clips.

To read more about what I wrote about Reiser, click on the labels below.