My Thoughts: Poll on Deception Clues

Now that all of you have voted on what you think are my biggest clues to deception, I thought I would share with you my thoughts.

I feel strongly that my two biggest tip-offs that someone is lying are inconsistencies in emotions, and odd word choices. These are what I believe are my two biggest clues.

Read moreNext I would have to say is inconsistencies in fact, followed by inconsistencies in personality/character, and microexpressions. The last two being interchangeable.

  1. Inconsistencies in emotions
  2. Odd word choices
  3. Inconsistencies in fact
  4. Inconsistencies in personality/character
  5. Microexpressions

Here are your thoughts:

Microexpressions aren’t all that common, or if they are, I don’t always consciously notice them, and I don’t blog about seeing them all that much. I have to wonder: Do I see them, register them into my equation, but I am not conscious of them? I don’t know.

I took a few minutes to review a handful of cases in my blog to see what clues I truly used most, and I have to say I was surprised. Of course this is nothing scientific, and could totally change if we reviewed every case I have discussed, but it is interesting nonetheless:

Anna Ayala’s son: inconsistent emotions, odd word choices
John Mark Karr: inconsistent emotions, inconsistent facts
Ted Haggard: inconsistent emotions
Britney Spears: odd word choices, inconsistent emotions
Howard K. Stern: inconsistent emotions, questionable facts
Adam Saleh: inconsistent emotions
Bobby Cutts: odd word choices, inappropriate voice inflection

What do you think?