Christine Francisco

Back on February 13th, Christine Francisco waited for her husband to come home from work to make Valentine’s Day cookies with their children, but Christine’s husband, Nicholas, never came home.

It has now been several months since Nicholas just walked out of work never to be seen again, but there are still no leads for police to follow. While his car was found in a condo parking lot that has no previous known connection for the Franciscos, there was also no sign of foul play discovered by police.

Christine, however, has maintained from the beginning that something sinister had to have happened to Nicholas because he was not the type of guy to just walk out of their lives. She says he was not a coward.

Read moreI watched several videos of Christine talk about Nicholas’ disappearance, and I find Christine’s behavior peculiar.

The first video where Christine spoke to the news is dated February 16, 2008. In this video, Christine appears to be crying, yet I do not see any tears. She says:

“I am begging everybody, everybody to please, please help find my husband because I can’t live my life without him.”

The first notable thing I see is a lack of tears falling from Christine’s eyes, yet Christine acts like she is crying, and even wipes her face as if there were tears.

The second notable point for me here is Christine’s tone-of-voice. It doesn’t sound distressed, upset, or concerned. Instead, it sounds whiny–like she is complaining. It also sounds notably different that in her video interviews with Nancy Grace and Greta Van Susteren. Usually when people are distraught and upset, they sound consistent.

I also found it odd how she says the following:

“If you can’t find him, these kids don’t have a daddy, then this unborn baby won’t have a daddy.”

Notice she says if you can’t find him. Where is her connection to the search? I find the word you an odd word choice. Most people would say if we can’t find him. “We” have to find him.

The second video I looked at was Christine talking to Greta Van Susteren.

Greta says, “Did you get the sense that anything unusual was going on in his life?” Listen to Christine’s response. She holds back laughter when she replies, “Not at all.” When she continues, notice how normal she acts, like she is talking about a PTA meeting or something. “He sounded so excited to come home, and he was ready to go with the cookies.”

As she continues her conversation with Greta, she shows absolutely no emotion, and no concern.

Greta asks Christine if Nicholas was having any personal problems at work, and Christine holds back laughter again. She smirks, lets out a sigh and replies “Not that I’m aware of.”

Why does Christine feel the need to laugh? Is it nerves, or something more sinister?

Greta then questions Christine about financial problems. Watch Christine when she says “We are not in poverty…we’re just in the middle”. Watch how animated she is…she teeters her head from side-to-side to gesture when she says “in the middle”. This shows she is relaxed. There is no hint of sadness, or concern whatsoever. If you didn’t know what Christine was talking about here, you’d think she was just having a casual conversation about gardening or something.

When people are worried or concerned, they are usually subdued in their reactions, and are less likely to gesture like this–especially about unimportant things like financial status when someone could be in danger. That’s because their one and only focus is to bring back their loved one.

Greta then questions Christine about when she first got suspicious something wasn’t right. Christine says she was concerned when Nicholas wasn’t home to make cookies–about eight o’clock which is the children’s bedtime, but she figured she was just overreacting and ignored it. I thought that was a little strange.

If Nicholas was going to make cookies with the children, wouldn’t she be expecting him earlier than the children’s bedtime? By bedtime, wouldn’t you feel justifiably alarmed?

When Christine talks about Nicholas not being home by 10 pm, she also says she was “absolutely petrified”, yet when she recollects this, she strangely shows no emotion again.

When people recollect a terrifying time, they display the fear of that moment on their faces, if only for a second. Our emotions are closely tied to our memories. Yet for Christine, this doesn’t seem to be true. She just chats as if nothing were wrong. It’s very strange.

Christine smiles again when she says it was very peculiar for him to be at the condominium complex. Why does she smile like this over and over again? Her emotions aren’t adding up with a woman who is fearful her husband is in trouble. Where is the fear??

When Greta says “What do you think happened to him? Where do you think he is?”, watch Christine. First she grins. Then she looks up before speaking which is an indication that she is thinking, not talking from her heart about how she feels. Then she speaks about herself in third person which is odd.

Instead of saying “My intuition tells me…” She says “Ummm…ah…a wife’s intuition, it’s foul play.” This is weird. It’s another red flag. Why the sudden change of tense? It’s as if she is repeating what she has heard someone else say before. It sure makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

When most people face a crisis, normal behavior is for them to hold on to every shred of hope that the worst case scenario didn’t happen. They don’t want to believe that something horrible is wrong. Instead, they cling to “safe potentials” because it is comforting, but Christine does not. She doesn’t plea to her husband to come home, or worry that perhaps that something else happened. She just accepts foul play without question–which is unusual.

Look at her lack of emotions as well. Here she is telling us she thinks her husband was potentially harmed, or coerced into leaving, and yet she doesn’t seem to show any concern whatsoever when she first talks about it. Then in the middle of it, she expresses some emotion, but it dissipates quickly.

Greta then asks if there were any peculiar phone calls to the house to which Christine replies as calm and collected as one can be “No, not at all.”

Christine’s emotions almost turn on and off like a faucet, don’t they?

And last, on one of Christine Francisco’s profiles at JPG Magazine, Christine Francisco is listing herself as single!

You read that right. Single.

It’s not even four months since this happened, and she is content listing herself as single? I can’t imagine the courts have declared her husband dead without a body. What is Christine thinking?

If that doesn’t turn your head, I don’t know what will. It’s like she is resigned to the fact he is gone forever. Hmmm….

I’m wondering what Christine knows that we don’t.

* Thanks to Cheri’s Corner forum for sharing the many video links.