“I stabbed and intentionally killed my wife.”

This morning Matthew Gretz admitted to killing his wife, Kira Simonian. You can read the latest news here.

I originally wrote about Gretz on Friday, July 27, 2007 after I saw him speak at Simonian’s vigil. His behavior didn’t sit right even though he didn’t tell a lie in the one video I had of him.

It was just last week when I looked at the case to see when it was going to trial that I realized why. Besides Gretz’ odd word choices, he was acting extremely paranoid. That paranoia was a big red flag that I don’t believe I was able to verbalize before, but was a big clue to why I didn’t trust him. It took a long time for that to percolate in my brain. I originally called it fear in my first post, but it wasn’t fear. It was paranoia.

My heart goes out to Kira’s family. I hope that they find some resolve in knowing the truth as painful as it is. At least they won’t have to go through a trial, and listen to his ridiculous denials anymore.