Hillary Clinton: My Thoughts

With regards to the post below, you may actually be surprised to know how I see Senator Hillary Clinton because my vote would be in the minority. I believe Clinton is being sincere in this video. I do not see her head shake as a sign she disapproves of Barack Obama. I see it as affirmation of her beliefs, her strong and true beliefs.

Think of someone saying “That’s amazing” as they think about the impact of what is before them. Have you ever noticed they often shake their head from left to right instead of up and down as they absorb those thoughts of amazement? It is not because they don’t believe what is before them.

Read moreWe all shake our heads in a variety of directions and we cannot just assume because someone shakes their head left to right, it is a negative sign, or has negative meaning. Reading body language is much more complex.

Notice as Clinton starts her head movements she says, “It’s really, for me, a tremendous opportunity and honor to be part of what I hope will be a great next couple of years for America.”

Can you feel the words “tremendous opportunity and honor”? Her head movement supports what she is saying here. It’s like added oomph, even though I believe she does it subconsciously.

This is a notable trait of Clinton’s and she does this when she truly believes something. This is not the first time she has done it.

When Clinton talks in this video, she is quite introspective which I think throws people. She isn’t performing for a crowd. She isn’t speaking into the camera. She is sharing her thoughts off the top of her head as they come to mind. She is being herself. With that, I think her lack of eye contact confuses people as well.

I do not see one indication that she is being deceptive, dishonest or disingenuous with us.

Can I ask what purpose she would have to disapprove of Barack Obama at this point and time? They both share the same ideologies and while she may believe she was the better candidate, I don’t think she disagrees with the majority of Obama’s beliefs. She should be looking forward to working with her party after eight years of a republican in the white house.

Clinton did this exact head movement before, and I spoke about it here:

What Senator Clinton is doing here is what I would call a head swagger. It’s actually her confidence that is causing this, and it is not what I would call a head shake no when she is saying something affirmative.

When people shake their head no when they say yes (a gesture, I believe), it is a quick, swift movement. It comes from the subconscious, and it is most alway brief. It doesn’t languish on like this does, and furthermore, when conscious thoughts kick in, the person usually stops the “no” movement abruptly and switch to a “yes” motion. You can see the thoughts “kick-in” to conscious awareness. It quite fast, and fascinating to witness.

You may find it helpful to watch the video in full-size.