Still Married Drew Peterson is Engaged

A reader of my blog informed me this morning that Drew Peterson has confirmed that he is engaged to another young 23-year-old woman. If Peterson gets his way, this will be his 5th marriage.

Peterson, for the record, is twice this girls age as he is 54-years-old.

The woman’s name has not been released to the media, and she has not made any media appearances that I can find. The couple according to Peterson have been dating for only four months.

Mind you, Drew Peterson is still legally married to Stacy, but that hasn’t stopped him from inquiring about his legal options for a split.

[Fox News]Desertion for at least one year is grounds for divorce under Illinois law — though Peterson, as the divorce petitioner, would have to show he wasn’t at fault for causing his wife to leave, Leving said.

All I can say is I feel sorry for this woman. She must have had a horrible background like Peterson’s other exes and has a need to feel sorry for Peterson, and believe him. Her life must have been empty for her to resort to finding comfort in a man as chilling as Peterson. How sad. Let’s hope this doesn’t end as tragic as his other relationships.

You can read the story here.