They Still Lie to Me

You would think that when people find out I have a natural ability to spot deception that has been studied by science that they would work a little harder to fib to me, wouldn’t you?

Well the sad reality is, they don’t. They still lie to me and lie as frequently to me as they do anyone else.

It flat out amazes me.

Each time it happens.

I guess I’ll never get over it because, to me, lies are so damn obvious.

Most of the lies are harmless lies, but they are still annoying. I think what annoys me the most is that people think they are transparent when they do it, but they are not. Clearly as they lie, they’ve convinced themselves that I couldn’t possibly see the truth.

I wish it was acceptable for me to say “Hey wait a minute. That’s not the truth and here is how I know why!” But of course that would only serve to alienate me–plus it’s absolutely fruitless–I can tell you that from years of childhood experiences.

So today, when I hear a lie, I sit and ponder it as that ratty little fib falls down before me as an unwelcome gift upon my lap — presented for only me to enjoy. There is nothing more that I can do but put a fake smile on face and act like nothing is wrong when, in fact, I am usually bursting inside to call you on it!

“Liar, liar, pants on fire!”