Ted Haggard Speaks Out on Oprah

Today on Oprah, Ted Haggard is speaking out. If you go to Oprah.com, and look at the preview of the show, it should be interesting. She is asking some great questions!

The AP also released this video yesterday of a young man who formerly attended Haggard’s New Life Church.

Tune back later this week for my thoughts. In the meantime, you can read about my previous thoughts about Haggard. Did you know the first time I saw him, I just didn’t trust him? It was his fake smile that never ended that clued me in that this guy had big secrets! That’s always a big tip-off to anyone. When someone keeps a fake smile plastered on their face through everything they say, it’s a good indication what you are being told is being sugar-coated, in a big, big way!