You Decide

There is a case I reviewed back in November about a Liberian immigrant who was beaten on election night. His story had a lot of red flags, and it made me suspicious. I can’t deny it. I wrote up my thoughts and shortly after I did, a foreign language teacher came by and posted her thoughts in the comment section. She explained to me his lack of emotions and his language skills were all likely due to the fact he was an immigrant. I agreed with her that what she pointed out was important to consider when looking at this case, but I was still unresolved. I was torn and suspicious, yet undecided.

A week later, when I heard there were suspects, I posted another post asking people to let me know if they saw the suspects speak. I wanted to watch them to get a better understanding of the situation, but they never spoke out. I never got a chance to look at them to come to a conclusive opinion. Four suspects have since been arrested and plead guilty (CNN). A reader informed me this morning.

So, this is your vote. You decide.

Related News Update Added February 7, 2009:
Ali Kamara, the Liberian immigrant discussed in this post above, was arrested for auto theft this week.