My Thoughts: Ted Bundy

The first thing anyone who watches this video needs to take into account is that there are no high stakes for Bundy here, so there is no pressure on him to be honest or to tell the truth. With that, if he were lying, the clues to deception would be dramatically reduced, if not completely undetectable. This is key to keep in mind.

However, when I watch the video, I see a man who is down to earth. I see a man who is sharing his thoughts about his crimes. What he says makes logical sense. Some of you questioned if his words were sincere, because you presumed it was an apology. This is not meant to be an apology.

Read moreOther people questioned if Bundy was just repeating what Dobson wanted to hear, but I don’t think that is the case either. He seems to believe what he is saying, if you want my opinion.

Bundy could have blamed his parents or his upbringing, but he doesn’t. He simply states that he feels pornography played a role in his abnormal behavior, but he admits in the end, his demons even went farther then pornography. I get the sense that just thinking about his crimes still gets Bundy turned on and the positive emotions Bundy expresses when talking about this confuses people into thinking he is lying.

Bundy talks about how he sees himself as a normal person, and identifies that other people didn’t point him out to be a pervert. Bundy grins slightly when he talks about this. I think he enjoys that he could “out smart” people so well. He hid his demons well, and he knew it. We knew it, too, in hindsight. I think this snaky grin has made people question Bundy and disbelieve him as well.

I believe Bundy is honest when he says he lived a normal life, but “this one very small, but potent and destructive segment that I kept very secret, very close to myself…” This is how Bundy sees himself. We may not agree, but that doesn’t make his statement untrue.

I believe Bundy is honest when he says, “It happened in stages. It happened gradually.” I do think that serial killers like Bundy have an addiction, and crave more and more… so this is absolutely logical and plausible, and nothing that makes sense to even doubt.

When Bundy talks about the people he knows in prison who were into violent crime like he was, he says, “Everyone of them was deeply involved in pornography, without question.” He says it with conviction and I believe he feels this way. I see no reason to doubt him whatsoever. I bet it is highly likely there are statistics that violent offenders are often drawn to pornography, though I am not sure if there is a correlation. That’s another topic.

Bundy talks about how people with this violent pornography addiction are not monsters, and he is right. These people are our brothers, sons, uncles and husbands. They live transparently among us. We often don’t know about these people’s demons until it is too late. He is being honest here. These are not people who are bums on the street, who are whacked out and strange living in institutions. They often blend in among us with chilling ease.

Once someone is labeled a liar, it is hard for us to ever believe them again, isn’t it?