The Millionaire Fraud

Johana posted this on my Topic Suggestion page and I thought you might enjoy it, if you haven’t seen it.

Johana wrote:

Charles Ingram

This isn’t the usual type of suggestion, but I thought you might find it as fascinating as I did 🙂 Back in 2001, a man named Charles Ingram won a million pounds on the British version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire.You can watch the video of the whole episode on YouTube, starting with The actual episode starts at 5:00 (before that, it’s documentary footage concerning the situation), and he starts answering questions at 6:40. It starts getting really interesting in the next section ( The whole thing is on the long side, unfortunately. You might want to just start with the second-to-last segment ( and the end (, which are by far the best parts!

You’ve said before that people give the most clues to deception when under pressure, and this is by far the best example of that I’ve ever seen.

Thanks, Johana!