Misty’s Hypnosis Video

It’s obvious why the police are saying Misty is inconsistent publicly now, because when you listen to her latest story with the hypnotist, you can’t miss it. You don’t need any talent to see the changes in Misty’s story. I have not believed Misty nor Ronald from day one. You can read my original thoughts here.

When we live through an event, we usually recall the details similarly every time we talk about it, but Misty’s story changes again and again, quite notably.

Read moreIn this hypnosis video, Misty says:

I woke up some…at three o’clock, I just woke up out of the blue. Three something, I just woke up. I don’t know what made me wake up, and I seen the kitchen light that was on and I know my kitchen light was shut off, and it was glaring in my bedroom so I mean all the lights, every things turned off when I went to bed…and the light in the kitchen is glaring so I get up to see what is going on, and the back door was wide open, and there’s a cement block holding the screen door open. I didn’t know Haleigh was gone yet. I ran back into the bedroom to grab my cell phone, called 911, because the back door was open and I know the back door was shut when I went to sleep, and I freak’n out already, cuz the back door was open, and I didn’t know what do, and as soon as I called…I got my phone and uh… and I as soon as I got on the phone and I turned around, she was gone. So I started look in the house, under the beds, closets, everywhere I could think of…just freak’n out. And by the time I opened the front door to go out the front door, Ronald pulled up, and he said call the cops so I immediately called 911 (end time marker 9:38).

Events that Misty marked before as notable are now different. Triggers such as having to go to the bathroom in her first recollections of Haleigh’s last night have now changed to a blaring light streaming into her bedroom.

If you listen to her 911 call, and this video here, Misty in February gave a different account, “…I’d seen three–three o’clock in the morning. I got up and…I got up because I had to use the bathroom but I didn’t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen and the back door is wide open. I mean I didn’t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open and I go into the room and she’s gone. And that’s all I know.”

Why didn’t she mention calling 911 before discovering Haleigh missing?

Misty originally told us she called Ronald before calling the police, but this time she strangely forgets that important element. Watch here when Misty says, “Well, at first, I’d seen the back door was open, then I was running around the house looking for her, and I got my phone and I called her dad, and then I called the police.”

Worse, the order in which Misty even picks up the phone varies from moment to moment. In the statement above, Misty first tells us she called 911 before realizing Haleigh was even gone, and then later in her ramblings she tells us, “Ronald pulled up and he said call the cops so I immediately called 911.”

What is the truth? When did she actually call 911? She can’t even get the basics accurate nor keep them consistent. Her story is so jumbled up, we can’t even begin to dissect what she says with any confidence.

Do you notice the rate of Misty’s speech in this hypnosis video? When people feign fear, they often speak fast. Notice how fast Misty talks at times?

More than that, when Misty talks about finding the door open, we should see a sense of fear on her face, if she is recalling a truthful event, but Misty is as calm and as collected as can be when recalling this memory (she reminds me of Jennifer Campbell on many levels–another having no urgency to find Haleigh. Both have a resignation about them that is palpable). All of Misty’s “recollection” memories are missing the normal emotional connections, which is another huge red flag.

I could go on and on and on…