Ratings and Stars

Objects As Metaphors

Many of you have expressed confusion over how to use the rating system below each post, and I can appreciate that. What are you rating seems to be the big question.

Read moreFor me, I personally put the rating system there for you, my readers, to judge what you think of each post. Essentially, I am looking for feedback if you like what is being covered by ME, and how I covered it. Do you like to be given an opportunity to root out the truth for yourself first? Do you like to vote on topics? Do you like deception articles? Do you like video reviews?

Then, do you like my review, my comments, my thoughts, my approach?

Some of you have informed me that you vote low when you don’t like the content covered. For example, when I wrote about MacKenzie Philips, some of you were not happy with “Mac’s” confessions, and hence gave it a low score. I am most interested in if you like what I am contributing to the mix.

The reason I have the rating system is to make sure you like what I am doing and what I am covering. That is what I would love for you to rate. If you I get continually low scores on putting up a video for you to determine the truth, I will stop doing that, and I will just share my opinion.

If I get high scores for giving detailed video reviews, I will continue to do them.

The stars are there for me to get feedback about what you like, and what you don’t. You can read about all of this stuff without me. I want to know if you like what I have to contribute to it 🙂

Does this help? If you need more clarification, don’t hesitate to ask below. Thanks!

The more people who vote, the more we will get a good solid opinion of what people think. Thanks for all of your support!!