Accomplice: Ryan Ferguson NOT GUILTY

There is a lot of buzz in the news right now about the Ryan Ferguson case. In November, one of the top trial lawyers in the U.S., Kathleen Zellner, took on his case pro bono. She is working on an appeal to get a new trial at the circuit court level. I was very happy to see this as I have always believed in Ryan Ferguson’s innocence.

Person with arms handcuffed behind back

New information came out last night as well (Thanks, Stacy) that Chuck Erickson, in a deposition taken last November, changed his story. Erickson wrote to Ferguson for the first time since the trial and asked Ferguson to send his attorneys to speak to him.

Have your lawyers come speak to me the next time that they’re down here. If you tell the media that I asked to see your lawyers, or you tell the media what I talked to your lawyers about before I can talk to my family and/or consult an attorney, it will be regretful. I hope that you are holding up.(source)

Ferguson and his lawyers obviously complied with Erickson’s requests and met up with him. They took a deposition.

In the deposition, Erickson says, “I made up what I said about Ryan being on top of the victim.” Later he admits, “I lied about him strangling the victim.” continues to report that..

Erickson says he was solely responsible for the robbery and death of Heitholt and says it took so long to come out with this version of the events because he couldn’t believe he could have acted so aggressively. He says he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol at the time of the murder.

I have never believed Chuck Erickson from day one, and I have always believed Ryan Ferguson was innocent. It’s about time!!!

If anyone sees this deposition uploaded online, please let me know. I want to watch Chuck make his statements to see if I believe this is the truth. I am still skeptical that Erickson isn’t giving us the entire truth, personally, though I think it is true that Ryan had nothing to do with this.

To read my original thoughts on this case back in 2006 before much was known, click here, or click on the the labels below.

More news here.