Shannon Price: Claims Common Law Wife Status

Young Couple Holding Hands at Street Cafe

The Associated Press has an interesting news article out today about Shannon Price and her efforts to claim Gary’s estate. In it, they report she filed a petition with the courts to be appointed as the special administrator for Gary’s estate and funeral services. She also is claiming the status of being Gary’s common law wife.

I believe Shannon Price will use every tool, trick or stick in the book to get what her little heart desires. She has supposedly produced a hand written note from Gary that was allegedly written one month after they wed in 2007 where he states that he leaves everything to his wife.

Pencil and Paper

The AP reports that the note says this:

I made this change of free will and was not coerced in any way. This I have done because of my personal selfishness and my weakness and I love her with all my heart.

I didn’t know this, but Gary and Shannon met in 2005 on the set of a movie.

Look at these poll results from last week. I’ve never seen a poll so stacked to one side before.

Click here to read my review of Shannon Price’s 911 call.