Shannon Price: “I’m just happy he’s …at rest.”

Shannon Price on Good Morning America June 7, 2010

Shannon Price did another interview and again, she is setting off alarms in my head. This time she is shown in a wheelchair and stays put in that wheelchair through the entire interview. Shannon also talks about her seizures, “As you guys know, I recently have seizures.” The word “recently” really stood out to me.

Read moreAt one point during the interview, she had to stop, because she thought she might be having a seizure. Interestingly enough, watch the footage ABC shows. She doesn’t stay put when she fears one is coming on. She gets up! Isn’t that ironic? Wouldn’t she be afraid she’d fall? I would think medical advice would be to stay put, in a sitting position, if you fear a seizure coming on.

GMA asks Shannon what happened the day Gary fell and she says, “I asked him if he could make me some food, and he went downstairs and I heard this big smack. I rushed down there and I found him lying in a pool of blood.”

The “pool of blood” is something she never mentioned in the 911 call at all. It’s new information. Also, if Shannon rushed down as she said, would the blood already be pooling in a matter of seconds to a minute? I am not an expert, but I would be curious what an expert would say.

Also, if Gary was unconscious as she first said, how was he laying? Was he laying back on his head where he hit it? If so, could she have seen the blood pooling then?

GMA plays a part of Shannon’s 911 call where she sounds cold and callous and Shannon replies, “You know, I was with him there the whole time. I was trying to find towels and stuff like that, but yeah, seeing him in a pool of blood was difficult, I mean, you know, um….if it was someone else in my situation, I mean… I’m sure they wouldn’t know what to do either.”

She was with him the whole time? Does she have a selective memory? I remember clearly how she was talking to Roxie the dog and said to Roxie, “Come on” as in “Let’s go” when she said she couldn’t stand seeing the blood. It was then that she yelled at Gary, “What’s wrong?!”.

Shannon explains the divorce away by saying “It wasn’t what we wanted, we just had a disagreement…”. Does anyone believe her? She also talks about how they wanted to renew their vows, but didn’t due to health issues, but supposedly planned to soon. This is new information, too, according to GMA.

Another time Shannon says in an angry tone about her relationship, “We loved each other. It was golden”. Watch her squint her eyes in anger! She does this several times in interview. This woman is incapable of expressing sadness, sorrow, love or any emotion of sympathy for her ex-husband. It’s flat out bone chilling.

When asked about her financial situation, Shannon says, “You know….We’ve been struggling… a lot… with financial stuff, but now that he is gone, its a little more difficult.”


Does that make sense?? Nothing would have changed for her if Gary wasn’t working from last week to this week. However, if she was somehow involved in Gary’s death, could she be thinking, “…now that Gary is gone, its gonna be a little easier”? This is awful to think about, but that would make her statement, which doesn’t make sense, make sense! Chilling to think about…

Gary Coleman’s parents have wanted to talk to Price, but she hasn’t been willing. Shannon says, “Well my brother called them…um… and talk to the mother, and said, if you have any questions, let me know and she didn’t really say anything, so…”

I was stunned at how Shannon referred to Gary mother, even with them being estranged, as “the mother”. It is so removed and cold and the fact that she won’t speak to his parents is flat out heartless. Why can’t she do that?

Shannon says, “…I just hope Gary is happy and he is in a better place, and he is not suffering anymore, you know, with all the health issues he’s had over the years. I’m just happy, you know, that he’s finally peaceful and at rest. We have discussed death a few times and he said it would be very unfair if he left me…all of the sudden… and … I mean…. I really respect that, you know, because I loved him and he loved me, and you know, we just can’t live without each other.”

These words of Shannon’s jump out at me: “I’m just happy, you know, he’s finally peaceful and at rest.” She doesn’t talk about how he suffered at the end. Instead she talks about how he had all these health issues over the years! Is that why she is happy he is finally peaceful? As if his life was hell and it needed to end? Is that what she thinks? The connection of these two thoughts are eerie.

I could understand her talking about how horrific Gary’s last day was due to complications of his injuries, but to relate it back to his health issues he had over the years, you have to wonder if they were grating on her nerves. It’s horrifying to think about. Did she want to be free of Gary and saw no other way? By the way Shannon’s thoughts are revealed, you can’t help but question this.

In the interview, Shannon told GMA off camera that Gary didn’t want a funeral or to be buried. He wanted to be cremated. The media reports that Gary had a will. I wonder if that will be in there, or if this is just what Shannon wants…

To read all of my thoughts on Shannon, click on the label below. There is another chilling interview where she talks about what it is like to remove Gary from life support.