Dr. Maureen O’Sullivan’s Speech: Part Three

Dr. O’Sullivan talks about how wizards can’t get objectivity in their personal lives.

For me, there are times when I am unable to be objective because I am emotional and I have to work to overcome it, but my ability is by no means flat-lined in my personal life. I find I can get objectivity, if I continually look in the mirror and stay honest with myself, and I work to remove any emotional bias I may feel, if I am seeking the truth. Sometimes that is hard for me to do when it involves matters of the heart. I have to work extra hard at it, but it is something I am very conscious of. If someone is not conscious of these two elements, I could see how it could affect their personal life.

I think the wizards are no different than other people in this respect. Anyone who struggles to look in the mirror and who can’t delineate their emotions will face difficulties in their inner circle because they can’t see the truth. What do you think?