Steve Kardian on Horman Developments

I asked Steve Kardian to share his thoughts on the latest developments in the Terri Horman case [Terri offers money to kill Kaine]:

This new development answers a lot of questions that were raised last Thursday, when Desiree Young, with Kyron’s dad and her husband standing behind her, made an emotional plea to Terri Horman before television cameras — the family’s first public statements directed at Kyron’s stepmom since the boy disappeared a month ago.

Last week I mentioned that law enforcement would not share investigative findings, regarding Kryon, with the family unless there was a safety issue clearly identified. This was apparently the case.

Regarding the unidentified landscaper, law enforcement (LE) and the District Attorney’s office will need to corroborate the information the landscaper provided. Two complications are the fact that the landscaper did not come forward with this information when this originally happened six or seven months ago. Even a bad attorney will have a field day with this. Second, we do not know the credibility of the landscaper and or if he has an arrest record or any questionable dealings.

The fact that Terri has lawyered up has removed any opportunity for LE to solicit information or a confession from her.

This is a sensitive case, a national case and an emotional case. LE and the prosecutor have done a good job keeping this close to the vest and they will want to go forward gingerly and build a solid case should this all be true.

Steve Kardian is a 30 year police sergeant, chief investigator and news correspondent, who shares his insight with Eyes for Lies. Read more about Steve here. Thanks, Steve!

Click here to read Eyes for Lies initial thoughts on Terri Horman’s body language at her first press conference.

Photo of Steve from