Steve Kardian On Kyron Horman

I asked Steve Kardian, a 30 year police sergeant, chief investigator and news correspondent what his thoughts are on the Kyron Horman case, since Desiree Young, Kyron’s biological mother, came forward saying Kyron is alive earlier this week.

Steve wrote:

Back in the early stages of the Caylee Anthony investigation, I spoke on CNN’s Prime News with Mike Galanos. Mike asked me if I thought there was any chance of finding Caylee alive. I responded “No Mike, I believe she’s dead!” I’m sad to say that in this case the probability that Kyron is going to be found alive is slim to none. In law enforcement we look at a number of things.

1. The 72 hour critical period has long passed. The more hours and days that pass give less positive hope.

2. Stereotypical stranger abductions are extremely rare. Less than 1/2 of 1 % of all childhood abductions that occur in the USA are stranger abductions.

3. In LE we look closely at those close to the child and we look even closer at the people that were last seen with the child.

4. Then there are so many indicators: her cell phone pings, the two lie detector tests, her reaction and body language, the divorce, the just cause for the order of protection. LE typically “WILL NOT” share information of their investigative findings with family members, however, they may, if just cause is present, inform a person (s) that they “may” be in danger!

Thanks, Steve!

I had the honor of meeting Steve recently and I must say he is an amazing man. If you ever look for a top-notch self-defense class, he is your guy! Steve showed me the techniques of his “Rape Escape” and I found them confidence-building and effective. I highly recommend Steve. He is very professional, authentic, genuine and exceptionally passionate about what he does.

Steve Kardian on Nancy Grace