My Thoughts: Kelley Cannon

When I watch the Kelley Cannon interview with ABC’s 20/20, these are my thoughts:
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  1. Kelley tries to give Jim Avila on 20/20 a new theory about what she thinks happened to her husband Jim, and who wore those gloves found outside the crime scene. We don’t get to see Kelley talk much about it as Jim Avila introduces it, but Kelley wants people to believe that she didn’t call 911 or testify because she was protecting her husband. She wants us to believe that Jim had a private life that no one knew about, that he drank and had “rough sex” with strangers. Hence, according to her, she believes it was a stranger who likely wore those gloves and killed Jim. It’s so outlandish, its humorous. Kelley Cannon is very desperate, which we see on her face.
  2. If this is true, we can be sure he had to “meet” these “strangers” somewhere, so other people would be talking or at minimum there would be a paper trail that supports this as well (phone calls, receipts for bars, nightclubs, etc) because remember these were “strangers”. So if this is what she believed all along, then why didn’t she come up with supporting evidence to her theory? I suspect because she knows it doesn’t exist!
  3. Furthermore, why would she protect a man who had a restraining order on her, and who was trying to get full custody of her kids? Does that make any sense? One cannot argue that she kept the “secret” to protect the kids (which would have been a better excuse, frankly) because if that is true, she sacrificed herself for her kids, which makes no sense. Now the kids have no parents, so we know that is a line of B.S. Kelley seems to come up with the most outlandish rubbish whenever it suits her! She is so contorted in this interview, because she desperately wants to be believed. If you ask me, she can’t handle that her old tricks aren’t working anymore!
  4. Listen when the detectives ask Kelley if Jim ever beat her. She pauses before answering and then says “Yeah” in what I would consider an upbeat tone — similar in sound to how someone might say a question. This is notable and a common tone for deceptive people. When the detective asks if she ever filed a police report, listen to her say much softer and more down tone “No.”

    The way Kelley says “Yeah” and “No” are notable to me. It’s the way she inflects that clues me in that she is not being honest. Furthermore, if this was the truth, why isn’t she volunteering to the detective how he beat her? Notice she doesn’t give him any substantiating information. Why? Surely if she was beaten, other people would have seen telltale signs but no one supports poor Kelley.

  5. Kelley tells us she didn’t file any police reports of the beatings because she was scared of Jim. I find that flat out laughable. She was so afraid of him that she threatened him once when he was in his car with the kids, and it was Jim that called 911. They played the call on 20/20. She sure was scared, wasn’t she? And then the night Jim was murdered, she tells us she went to Jim’s house –even though there was a restraining order on her. That’s shows fear, doesn’t it? Give me a break! This woman is terrible at her game.
  6. When Jim Avila starts speaking to Kelley, look at how tense she is. She is showing incredible tension. Watch her let out a breath of air as she talks to Jim Avila. If she is innocent, why is she so tense? She clearly contorts her face. I think it is because she is trying to see if she can convince us of her “new” story. Not.
  7. Kelley says, “I didn’t do this and for some reason or another, nobody’s interested in finding out who did.” Why isn’t she interested, if she is innocent? She is throwing out empty, meaningless words here.
  8. Listen to how Kelley talks about herself about being at Walgreens. “That’s just B.S. That’s somebody That’s that girl he had the affair with.”

    I think everyone can see that is Kelley in the surveillance video. It shows Kelley will lie whenever it suits her. Also, it is ironic that she talks that Jim had an affair with a “girl” here yet she told the cops at one point he was “queer”. Another inconsistency. Kelley is inconsistent on a regular basis.

  9. When Jim Avila asks Kelley if she killed her husband, we see tears. I suspect these are tears of self-pity, personally. She says somberly, “No”. Why isn’t she mad when she is asked this, if she is innocent?
  10. Then Jim Avila asks her if she knows who did it (murdered Jim), and she says in a controlled and muted angry tone, “No.” She doesn’t want people to know she is angry here, but her voice gives her away. She is angry she can’t point the finger at someone else!

    Wait a minute. She doesn’t know who did it? In my first point above, didn’t she tell Jim Avila that she suspected she knew who the gloves belonged to? She hinted strongly there that it was one of his stranger sex partners. Why isn’t she sticking to that here? Kelley flip-flops worse than a pair of shoes walking down the street of the same name.

    This jury absolutely called this one right. It’s no surprise they returned a verdict in 55 minutes. Good going, jury. This woman needs to be exactly where she is!!