Kiesha Abraham’s Killer

The Daily Telegraph is reporting that police know who the killer is of little Kiesha Abrahams, but they are taking time to gather evidence in the case before an arrest, which is rumored to be imminent.

I don’t think anyone is shocked by this report. I found the parents behavior very telling when they first spoke to the media shortly after Kiesha’s disappearance. I never believed they have been forthright with us.

What is even more interesting in this news report is that it says the Kiesha’s mum and step-father asked to be relocated after their daughter disappeared. They live in government housing, if I understand it correctly. While I knew they were in a hotel, I thought police relocated them.

Tell me what parent would leave a house where their daughter disappeared– immediately after she disappeared? Anyone? An innocent grieving mother who believed her daughter wandered off or was snatched would likely hang on to that house (apartment) with all hope that just maybe her daughter was hiding and would wander home — even if it is illogical as time passes — it would still be an avenue of hope.

Most mothers would have nightmares if they left the house that their daughter would come home and find the house abandon, and that thought would torture them! And those thoughts would keep them at that house for months because to walk away is to essentially give up hope. Innocent parents don’t give up hope months and even years later.

The fact that Kristi Abrahams and Robert Smith wanted out there is another huge red flag, if you ask me.