Missing Zahra Baker

Little 10-year old Zahra Baker went missing from the family home this past Saturday. Zahra has bone cancer and lost a leg and her hearing to the disease. She wears a prosthetic leg and hearing aids. Police issued an Amber Alert in the case and the FBI and U.S. Marshals have been looking for Zahra.

Read moreFrom ABC.com:

Elisa Baker has been arrested for making threats, writing bad checks, larceny and driving with a revoked driver’s license, according to The Associated Press. She is being held on $31,500 bond.

In this interview we see Zahra’s father, Adam Baker, speak. He raises my eyebrows.

Adam was asked in the interview if he believed his wife was involved and he replied, “I wouldn’t like to think so. It’s kind of what I’ve heard so far. It could be possible.”

It’s “kind of” what he heard? Why is he waffling, if this is what he believes or is being led to believe?

George asks Adam if the last time he saw his daughter was at 2:30 a.m. Saturday when she was sleeping in her bed. Adam says, “Uh, that’s what time her mother told me she went and checked on her–when I was asleep.”

George continues, “So when was the last time you saw Zahra?” Watch how Adam has to think to answer that. It’s odd. He says, “It would’ve been…probably Thursday night and I got up early and went to work…”


He doesn’t know when he saw his daughter last? Usually when people go missing, the first thing we do is go back to the last time we saw them and think about it. Did we tell them we loved them? Did we kiss them?

If Adam and Elisa believed their daughter was abducted, you would think they would retrace all their steps from their last accounts to see if anything was unusual or extraordinary, wouldn’t you? And he isn’t even confident the last time he saw his daughter? Red flag. I also find it odd how he immediately accounts for his time the next morning. Its like he is trying to cover himself. Why would he care if he knows he had no involvement? It’s noteworthy.

I wonder what the fire was that was burning at 5:30 in the morning? That piques my interest.

I am surprised at how Adam responds to George about checking on Zahra after the fire. He seems to think before he answers here, too. He hesitates a lot. He says, “…..um…..no. I was in big panic because there was a fire in the yard and I was talking to investigators.” Its plausible, of course, but his response is noteworthy to me–how he thinks about it before answering. Why doesn’t he just say “No. I figured she slept through the whole thing. She wasn’t in danger so we didn’t want to worry her.” It’s like he never thought about it at all. Did he know she wasn’t there at that point?

What were they doing up at 5:30 to even see the fire? Was it a building fire or just the yard? I’d like to know more about the fire.

Adam then leaves the house at 11:00 a.m. or noon on Saturday to check out a job, and yet doesn’t think any of not seeing his daughter that morning? Isn’t that odd? Most ten year old children are up long before noon.

Then it wasn’t until 2:00 PM that the parents reported Zahra missing? That doesn’t add up.

Adam says that when he came back from the job that morning, he was working in the yard and that is when Elisa came out of the house and “started screaming that Zahra was missing.” That means Adam wants us to believe he came home and never questioned where his daughter was. Either he was really uncaring and unconcerned about his daughter, or we are not getting the real story here.

George questions Adam about what Elisa knew and Adam says, “Uh, she didn’t know very much. She came out crying and panicking…just like telling me Zahra was gone….um, I went inside and searched the house and started searching around the block (head shake no) and…called the police.”

The words “just like” flag me here. As if she did this, but perhaps really didn’t? It’s a hedge…Ronald Cummings did this as well.

If notice Adam doesn’t give us any details about Elisa said. This is a huge flags me. He should be giving us details. He should have fears, emotional memories, etc, but he doesn’t give us any of this. Alarms ringing.

Adam seems to be resigned his daughter is not out there for some reason. I see no hope that they will find her. Maybe he knows things that the police aren’t revealing?

I think Adam knows more than he is telling, but what that is, of course, I don’t claim to know.