More From Tiffany. Again.

My ThoughtsHere are areas in the video above that flag me:

HOLT: If you could tell me a little bit about the memorial you have planned and how you hope it will allow you to achieve some closure.

Ms. HARTLEY: Well, we’re going to celebrate David’s life. That’s the plan for Sunday. We are going to have a slide show, just kind of showing him growing up and who — the man he became, and then I’m doing a slide show separate for David and I and our love story and where we began and ultimately where it ended from there.

Ms. HARTLEY: And it hasn’t ended, it’s just…

HOLT: Tell me where your expectations lie right now. Have you — have you given up on the notion that someone will be arrested and prosecuted for killing your husband, or is your focus now on just getting his body back?

Ms. HARTLEY: It’s just mainly getting David’s body back. I don’t really think they’re ever going to find the person who did it. I mean, you have three boats and minimum of three people probably in each boat. So I think it’s going to be pretty difficult to pin down who did it. We just ultimately want David back, and I’m very frustrated that Mexico, you know, hasn’t really stepped up, and either has our government — hasn’t stepped up to get it done and just, you know, it just seems so easy to me, but I know there’s legal stuff and everything. But it just seems like they’re not doing enough.


This is the first time I heard Tiffany say there were three boats with a minimum of three people in each. Notice she hedges with the word probably? I recall her saying there only two guys in the one boat that pointed a gun at her when she was supposedly in the water with David. This woman can’t do a consistent interview to save her soul.

I was also taken by the facts she feels it would be easy to get David back! What does she know that we don’t??? Or he she just rambling nonsense because she isn’t speaking the truth. I suspect it is the latter, personally. Getting a body, if her story is true, back from a drug cartel is not an easy thing. I think anyone who believed the story could agree to that!

When Tiffany talks about the service on Sunday (yesterday) for David, I find her sentence structure odd, like she is about to talk about David in present tense again when she says, “who…the man he became.” Was she going to say the man he is? Was that almost a slip of the tongue? She self-censored, that’s for sure. Why?

And I am taken at how it causes her no grief to say “ultimately where it ended from there” as if she were talking about a road trip, and not her life and her husband’s life. It’s ridiculous!

Nothing about Tiffany Hartley squares with the truth in my eyes. Her words don’t fit, her emotions don’t fit, her behavior doesn’t fit. Nothing that Tiffany does in my eyes supports the story she has given us!

To read my original thoughts on Tiffany Hartley, click on the label below and scroll down to the first post. Posts are in reverse chronological order.

Thanks, Karon, for the link and updates!