Randy and Evi Quaid Speak Out

This is certainly an interesting video. The Quaids, who have been acting strangely, have publicly stated they fear they will be “whacked” if they return to Hollywood. They are now in Canada asking for political asylum. They believe they are “victims of a murder plot” and as ABC reports, “They want to warn many other celebrities who they believe are in grave danger.”

One of the celebrities Evi mentions is Robert Blake. She says, “He was setup.” She goes on to talk about the people coming after them are “the mafia”, business men — an estate planner. She goes on to say that Mel Gibson was probably “slipped a mickey.” She says Lindsay Lohan needs to watch out.

It’s ludicrous.

Evi says, “We are refugees. That’s essentially what it is.” Another time she says, “I genuinely feel these people are trying to kill us.”

When I look at Evi, I have to wonder about her mental state. Everything is troubling in her world, and she gives us nothing credible to go on. She is serious, yet shows no fears. Other times she smiles which doesn’t fit, yet it doesn’t hit me as a deceptive smile. She is strangely confident in what is supposed to be a very insecure and threatening time, according to her. Randy, on the other hand, seems to be looking for Evi’s approval, and supporting her feelings. I don’t feel what he says is genuinely his feelings.

Evi and Randy are acting irrational and doing irrational things — breaking into and living in a former residence they once owned, yet claiming they still own it.

I wonder if Evi is suffering from a mental illness and Randy doesn’t want to cope with it. It’s just easier to go along with her insanity than to deal with it. I’ve seen sane people do this before, sadly. At this point, that is my take.

I don’t think this is a media stunt because they have taken it too far. I think this most likely has to do with an undiagnosed mental illness, and when a healthy person accepts the illness of another because it is hard to deal with one multiple levels and easier just to succumb, they often take on the traits of that mental illness themselves through living in denial.

It’s sad to watch.