Tonya Craft Reunites with Ex-husband and Gets Joint Custody

I am so happy that Tonya Craft has regained joint custody of her children.  She so deserves it.  She was accused of molesting three children in Georgia, and the courtroom where the case was tried earlier this year was sharply divided.  Many people believed that kids don’t lie, but they can absolutely be persuaded to believe things or believe things are true if they hear them enough–especially if they are said by influential adults.  While I didn’t see the children speak, I did see Tonya tell her side of the story.  When I saw Tonya talk about the accusations before trial, I believed in her innocence, and thankfully a court found Tonya Craft not guilty.

It was must be very gratifying for Tonya to have her ex-husband, who original thought she molested their daughter, sit beside her  and speak out in support of her now.  It should give all the doubters that Tonya was dishonest some serious second thoughts!!

Thanks, Karon, for the link.