Jared Lee Loughner: Prior Inappropriate Behavior

The tragedy in Arizona is heart wrenching, but I think there is a valuable learning lesson we can all take from this horrible situation.  People in this video speak out about how Loughtner behaved inappropriately–eerily laughing at inappropriate times. This is key.  We so often explain inappropriate behavior away–giving people the benefit of the doubt.  This is a dangerous thing to do.  More people need to take notice and band together when they see inappropriate behavior.

I am a firm believe that as a society we have become so politically correct that we have lost touch with reality. We are afraid to speak the truth.  When we see something inappropriate, we are all scared to speak up and say so publicly for fear of being shunned. Hence we retreat, and allow these people free license to continue in their out-of-bound behavior, which can become out of control.

While I do not advocate confronting a person who is acting inappropriate, I do think more of us should reach out to those who may have influence on people like this, such as family members, to get them to seek help.  If enough people did this, it might have spurred on Loughner’s parents to take more appropriate steps to see if there was anything that could be done for their son before it was too late.

We need to stop being so politically correct.  I believe it is an ill of society that is causing us more detriment than good.  What do you think?

Do you feel safe to speak out against someone’s inappropriate behavior? Or do you feel you will be shunned?

BTW:  This photo on the post (for the video) was reported to be his mug shot.  I can’t imagine…